by m2u 39 Replies latest jw friends

  • larc

    Welcome Venice,

    I think you'll find a lot of support here. My bio is over on the Hello thread. Briefly, I'll just say I left a long time ago after reading Russell and Rutherford's books. No individuals "stumbled" me; their own history did.

    I liked your remaks on the FDS thread. I thought your answer was the simplest, clearest, and was right on the money.

    Congratulations on your new freedom.

  • OrangeVale Bob
    OrangeVale Bob

    Most of the women I've been privileged to know are like Venice and so I have learned the importance of maintaining eye contact. Until they look away of course. heh heh heh

    I'm inactive because of unanswered questions I've long had and chose to ignore. I'm looking for the answers now. I don't know what my verdict will be about all of this. I am certain of one thing though. I can't fathom this business of shunning. Not only do I think it unchristlike, I think it's unnatural.

  • Venice

    Hey, we can tell even when we look away, You guys think your soooo clever. The reflective sunglass don't work either. How many guys at the DC tried that one [=:0]!

    I'm glad your going to try and find the answers. If you have any particular questions feel free to post them, I'm sure you'll get pleny of help.

    Freeminds is a great place, so is H2O. You really should read "Crisis of Conscience".


  • mommy

    Nice to meet you, I was raised in the truth,left over 8 years ago, because of doubts I had as well.
    So I was an 18 year old baby with no family contact, so I know what you are going through. Sorry for "their" loss.

  • OrangeVale Bob
    OrangeVale Bob

    Thank's for the advice, I've been searching the web and doing a lot of studying. I'm tired of just wondering what I should do. I thought about reading Ray Franz's book.
    Randy (freeminds) is an old buddy of mine, I'll probably go down south and hang out with him for a bit this spring (don't tell anybody, though). I don't know what he has to share that isn't on his web site, but it'll be fun. I really miss the beach.

  • LDH


    I'm blushing!!!

    The tight end, is he the one who....who....who....I feel faint.

  • Venice

    OrangeVale Bob, (mind if I just call you Bob, it's a heck of a lot faster to type)

    Glad I could help. There are a lot of great books and sites to check out. Another good book is "Apocolypse Delayed" by James Penetnse. As the story goes he was a faithful JW in Canada, and did a short little writeup on JW's up there for the local paper. Well, it was a real hit, he has a great wrighting style. So they asked him to do a more involved piece. He got a grant from the Government to do the research, well what a good Witness he was planning on giving. But once he started researching, he found things he never would have fathomed. He was df'd and has written an excellent history of the JW's deffinentaly a must read.

    There's also a great book called, "Faith on Trial", it's written by a lady who is a lawyer, trying to prove weather or not the gosple accounts would stand up as credible witness in a court of law. It's really interesting. What happens to so many when the lose faith in the WTS is they lose faith in the Bible and God, which is so sad. We need to keep up our srpirutality, but now we do it on our own. There are a ton of books out there, good and bad. If you need any nore recomendadtions for any area, feel free to ask.


  • OrangeVale Bob
    OrangeVale Bob

    The OrangeVale Bob thing was really a joke, albeit one that only a handful of people could ever understand. OrangeVale used to be very rural and home to some biker gangs, so a few friends and I used to love telling people we were from OrangeVale, trying to pronounce it like a true hick would. It's actually a pretty nice place to live, but we always did our best to misrepresent it.
    I lived in Jamaica for a while and got nicknamed California Bob. It used to amaze me. I'd introduce myself to someone as "Bob" and if one of my buddies were around they'd always correct me "He's CALIFORNIA Bob."
    I started using the CA Bob thing while corresponding home as a joke. When I moved home I just changed it to O'Vale Bob. I probably should have picked some other name for this forum. Something like "Blinded by the light".

    And, anyways, you can call me any thing you want.

    Thank's for the book reccomendations. I'll look into them. I do have a great respect for the Bible and a strong belief in God. I don't think another human could change that.

    OVB(who is maintaining constant eye contact)

  • larc

    Hey there CA Bob,

    Those two books that are recommended will not have any effect on your belief in God. That's not there purpose. BTW, the author of the second book mentioned is Jim Penton, a good scholar and a good person.

    Are those fires out there very close to you?

  • OrangeVale Bob
    OrangeVale Bob

    Hey larc,
    You got it! CaliFORNia Bob has a much nicer ring to it.
    It was easy to fall in love with those Jamaican's and their nicknames.

    Again ,I appreciate the book information. I feel a lot more comfortable investing the money and time in a book that has been recommended.

    No, the fires are a lot further south. A real problem for the lower mountain ranges in So. CA (those below the snowline). Every few years they burn, and burn hot. No real solutions in sight to halt the pattern. Just more $$ lost with each new fire because of urban sprawl.

    One item of local news; it touches on one of the major topics in the US today.
    A high school student was shot in the leg today by another student who brought a gun to school to "show it off". This was a school in a nice area, not one plagued by gang violence (where they bring them for survival). The article I read focused on the reactions of students and teachers who could hear but not see what had occured. They feared another massacre. Pretty sad.

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