Did You Know A Lot Of "Very Intelligent" JWs?

by minimus 64 Replies latest jw friends

  • snowbird

    Really, really smart people make me nervous.

    I don't like being around them.


  • minimus

    Sylvia, I understand your situation.

  • Beta Male
    Beta Male

    intelligence or a lack thereof have nothing to do with susceptibility to scams

  • zoiks

    intelligence or a lack thereof have nothing to do with susceptibility to scams

  • minimus

    ....otherwise there would be no such thing as a "very intelligent JW".

  • Olin Moyles Ghost
    Olin Moyles Ghost

    There are plenty of intelligent JWs. This shouldn't be surprising. Plenty of bright people (not just witnesses) believe silly things. Take Mormons, for example. In the U.S., there are a large number of bright, successful, well-educated Mormons. When you look at the doctrines of the LDS church, the WTS almost seems tame by comparison! They believe that Native Americans are a lost tribe of Israel who came over to America on a boat. No joke.

    But back to my point, a high IQ does not insulate one from being scammed, and it doesn't protect one from being born into a cult. In fact, I think pride and intelligence are a factor in keeping some JWs in the organization. I know several smart JWs who can do an excellent job of arguing the WT party line. The way I see it, they picked a side (JW-ism) and have made it their goal to be the best possible advocate for that side. Sort of like a lawyer who agrees to represent a client and zealously advocates for that client to the best of his ability, slanting inconvenient facts in his client's favor whenever possible.

  • VIII

    Since many that I knew/know are *born ins*, intelligence and JWs seems like an oxymoron.

    When you are raised as a dub you are discouraged right from the start to think. You are discouraged to think about anything except Armageddon and Paradise. You are discouraged from education which only expands your mind and enhances someones natural abilities. Watchtowers, Awakes, going out in FS, going to the meetings, wearing the proper clothing, not associating with Bad Associationsl, not stumbling someone.

    It all becomes too much.

    When seemingly *intelligent* people join as adults, well, that is for the psychologists to figure out. There are numerous reasons. Here is a very interesting article from TIME magazine, circa 1979 on why people joined The People's Temple cult.

    A cult is a cult. And, make no mistake, the WTBTS is a CULT.

    If you are honest and look at people who have joined the JWs and The People's Temple, you can see similarities.


    As to the main question: I don't think I knew any *Intelligent* JWs. Some were, seemingly, smarter than a 5th grader, however, they wouldn't win on Who wants to be a Millionaire.

  • slimboyfat
    intelligence or a lack thereof have nothing to do with susceptibility to scams

    That's a common thought I have heard, and I have said it myself, over the years concerning JWs, and members of high control groups generally. But I am not so sure now actually. Where is the evidence for it, beyond the anecdotal, the reassuring notion that 'if I could get scammed, then anyone could', and perhaps the impulse to be charitable to those who remain believers in the Witnesses.

    But the problems start when we come to define 'intelligence', 'susceptibility' and 'scams', I suppose.

    Nevetheless for me a key indicator of intelligence is curiosity. If a 'clever' Witness still believes in it because he has never taken the time to find out about the history of the religion, claims around 1914, or whatever dubious doctrines, that lack of initiative doesn't seem very smart to me.

    I may not be the brightest, but I was a loyal, believing JW in the late 1990s. However at the first opportunity, I read whatever opposing literature, including on the Internet, I could find. It seemed as clear as day to me - if it's the truth then I have got nothing to fear in reading what apostates have to say. And besides, apostate literature satisfied a deep curiosity about aspects of the religion not found in the publications, plus the idea of just 'hearing the other side'. And at first I thought apostates were wrong. A lot more searching, reading, thinking, and discussing put paid to that idea however.

  • minimus

    There are some intelligent uneducated Witnesses.

  • troubled mind
    troubled mind

    In our old hall there was only one Elder I ever thought was very intelligent . He was our book study conductor for a few yrs. He was the only Elder with any college education and actually fairly balanced in his home life . They had family traditions they kept with unbelieving family . Encouraged their kids to pursue outside interests , hobbies and further education . Their daughter married a bethelite and their son became a bethelite for a couple of yrs . All pioneered at one time or another. His wife was a nurse .

    It was so hard for me when I left to understand What kept them under the WTBS spell . They were probably our best friends when it came to witnesses .It helped that they had moved away the year before I began my fade . There were times he would say things that made me think "okay he see's behind the smoke screen " ,but he never has faltered . I recently saw him on facebook and messaged him about how much we had appreciated their friendship through the years . I wanted to see if he was still as gunho ...alas he is because his response back was 'that our friendship would be easier if we were reactivated '....oh well

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