I Want To Order Some Books ...

by snowbird 30 Replies latest jw friends

  • snowbird

    I can't remember the term used, SBF, but I couldn't proceed any further.

    I became so nervous that I just exited out of there.

    John Doe, what on earth do you mean?


  • John Doe
    John Doe

    You ever see My Cousin Vinny?

    I'm out of posts, so I'll reply here. You should see this movie--you'd like it. Joe Pesci and Merissa Tomei (sp?) are hilarious.


  • snowbird

    No, but I understand it's the usual make-fun-of-all-things-Alabama genre.


  • troubled mind
    troubled mind

    Snowbird go back and try again .....YOU CAN DO IT ,I think you can i think you can .........

    I just ordered four books last night on rock hounding in Colorado , and I can't wait ...they already shipped this morning ! Love amazon !

    SBF what kind of books do you sell .....

  • slimboyfat

    All sorts of stuff, empasis on academic books, history, language, economics, business.

  • Crux

    After you have created you account go to the Your Account page. Under the Settings section there's Address Book, click add a new address and fill it in. Then under Payment section click add a credit card, and fill in your info.

    After you've done that add items to your cart then proceed to checkout and you can just select your address and credit card without having to fill them in again.

    You should end up finally on the place order page where you can double check and change anything you need before clicking Place Your Order.

    Failing that, find a friend and have them buy it for you! :P

  • snowbird


    I'll give it another try when things settle down a little.


  • undercover

    Here might be the problem...

    You've said before how you can't access certain photos or videos from your work PC.

    I can go to Amazon, I can browse, review and all that but when it comes time to order, our security software or whatever they use prevents me from completing the order. I can do everything but process. I thought it was me, but our IT confirmed it. No ordering through Amazon on our work computers.

    So it might be your company computer system is preventing you...

  • snowbird
    So it might be your company computer system is preventing you...


    That's it.

    I feel like such a fool!

    Thanks, UC.


  • goldensky

    Dear Snowbird, my world has known a new dimension since I realized I, too, could order books from Amazon all the way to Spain! I was SO jealous of you, Americans, and it turns out they send them probably anywhere. I started ordering only around 6 weeks ago and it worked wonderfully. Now my shelf is full of great reading material I can't wait to give attention to: "Releasing the bonds", "God is not great" (just began and I'm loving it), "Captives of a concept" (already read), "Good without God" (I read it through along last weekend: dealing with humanism, interesting), "Letters to a nation", "The case for God" (didn't like at all, I found it boring and I'm passing it to a friend), "In search of Christian Freedom"... And at such a good price!

    Come on, Sylvia, if I managed, you can too! What a source of entertainment!

    By the way, do you have any recommendations for me?

    Love you, OLGA.

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