What's in it for the Governing Body?

by dissed 32 Replies latest jw friends

  • JWoods
    If you have a smart cat who loves to eat teaching him how to damce isn't that hard. Mine would even dance on his hind legs for a treat.

    But if they get too fat (like mine is), they become either too lazy or too inactive to dance on their hind legs.

    Maybe that is a good analogy to the current Governing Body, as a matter of fact. I don't see much of anything in the current bunch unlike the atmosphere of the original GB post 1975...just a lot of covering their doctrinal and management embarrasments and following the lead of legal to preserve the economic wealth.

  • Terry

    Remember that the GOVERNING BODY is sitting around like a long-legged secretary in the 1950's movies just filing her nails waiting

    on the BOSS (Jesus) to page her on the intercom and give her instructions for dictation.

    The GOVERNING BODY reflects the indolence and lackadaisical attitude of the "enthroned Jesus".

    So, what has Jesus been up to?

    Not much.

    He is directing the Watchtower Society to print magazines that contain errors.

    The goats he separated from the sheep have had to be put back in with the sheep because of policy changes.

    Stray sheep have been ostracized and turned into lamb stew.

    The war to end all wars (WWI) has been followed by WWII, Korea, Viet Nam, and the Cold one. (No need to mention the war on terror.)

    There have been earthquakes, famine, disease and a lot of marrying and eating at fine restaurants.1925 came and went without any Ancient Worthies moving in to the residence at Beth Sarim.

    The world got so dangerous in 1975 nobody noticed it.

    The generation that saw all the signs and wonders has been dropping dead like flies.Brothers and Sisters who use to serve Jehovah and reverence Jesus now know it is the Governing Body who calls the shots and Jesus is only "a" god with a widdle "g".

    The preaching work has been so successful that not one person in a hundred can give a coherent answer to what Jehovah's Witnesses actually believe.

    Hundreds of books printed by the Watchtower Society have begun with the stale Adam and Eve story and thousands of JW's have nodded off at meetings hearing it all for the umpteenth time.

    The end has been "near" but, the answer "to what" needs shaping up a bit.

    Jesus use to be clean shaven, but, now has a beard like Christendom said he did.

    The Superior Authorities use to be Jesus and Jehovah, but, now they are the earthly governments just like Christendom said they were.

    All in all, as CEO of the hottest most wonderful government ever known to mankind (albeit invisible) Jesus hasn't had a hit since WWI and is turning into the biggest disappointment since Milli Vanilli.

    Is it any wonder the Governing Body is a feckless entity?

  • freewilly01

    Duh..... homemade ice cream flavoured with maple syrup hot crispy apple pie! The actual belief that if they talk all mature and confident in low tones with sincerity in their voice that they will actually be believed by the group. Masters at disception, lies, control and laziness never having to turn over a shovel and actually make a living.....................easy retirement the list goes on and on and on....... surrounded by beautiful young men?

  • Quillsky
    They don't eat at conventions, the ride in nice vehicles to 5 star restaurants and have the best food.

    Really? Is this true? They don't sit in the stands and eat packed lunches?

  • frankiespeakin

    I think the expression they gave to JW in the WT says it all:

    “Lord, whom shall we go away to? John 6:68

    They have spent a big portion of their life in service to the WT Corporation, they are company men through and through. They have climbed to the top of the corporate ladder their is no turning back now at this late date, they are in until they die. They are not reasonable they eat and sleep organization.

    They have too much to loose, the Corporation and its survival means everything to them. The GB who picked others to be GBs I'm sure test them first to make sure of blind loyalty, they can't afford another Raymond Franz. This of course narrows down the list to not so bright, but blindly loyal members of the body who eat drink and sleep the party line with no room for deviation.

    I think on one level they believe every thing, on a deeper level they have lots of suppression of doubt that they dare not let surface to the conscious level. They are conflicted but have managed it well enough to make the pick and will probably do so till they die.

  • HappyGuy

    Here is what they get:

    1. Free high end housing.

    2. All utilities paid.

    3. All meals prepared for them.

    4. Free laundry and maid service.

    5. Free travel.

    6. Anything they "need" is purchased.

    7. No requirement to go in the door to door "ministry".

    8. No requirement to attend meetings.

    9. Adulation from 7 million dupes.

  • Butterflyleia85

    I think not only the loyalty and reconized as a greater source... but also feeling important and in control. They have their members loyality through how they beleive, how they live, and how they think... (such responciablity... geez and when it doesn't work out for the members, cut them off til they ajust theirselves to make it work!!) ... Mostly control. And hey they got to keep the organization going so... donation... Money. Wow with the control anything is possiable.

  • restrangled

    To add to Happy Guy's list:

    All medical bills covered

    Retirement covered

    Cleaning services where they reside;

    and if they wind up blathering, diaper wearing, idiots.....they are taken care of with respect and comfort.


  • frankiespeakin


    if they wind up blathering, diaper wearing, idiots.....they are taken care of with respect and comfort.

    Looks like lots of them are already are or almost there,. Listed according to age:

    • John E. Barr (1913, 1977), age 96
    • Theodore Jaracz (1925, 1974), age 84
    • Guy H. Pierce (1934, 1999), age 75
    • Samuel F. Herd (1935, 1999), age 74
    • Gerrit Lösch (1941, 1994), age 68
    • David H. Splane (1944, 1999), age 65
    • M. Stephen Lett (1949, 1999), age 60
    • Anthony Morris (1950, 2005), age 59
    • Geoffrey Jackson (1955, 2005), age 54

    6 out of 9 are retirement age if they lost their job as GB they wouldn't have much to live on, which is a very strong inducement to not make any waves with new ideas. And we all can appreciate how when the mind get older new ideas are hard to come by and even more so when brainwashed by indoctrination.

    I bet most of those old geezers fall asleep during important Corporation meetings Gerrit Losch sounds like a real snoozer when I listen to his talks. John Barr at 96 probably needs someone to wipe his ass for him as well as Jaracz at 84.

    Pierce at 75 almost a tie with Herd at 74 probably got hardening of the arteries to the brain and may be getting less and less coherent each year.

    All these old guys are marching to the grave they don't have a very long future to speak of and I think that will reflect itself in the direction they take in handling the problems the Corporation faces today.They will only propose short term fixes to cover the lengths of their life expectancy and not much more, as far as they are concerned.

    These not much younger guys(68,65,60,59,54) would probably like to see more newbies on the GB, but that don't look like that will happen until some of these ancient of days kick the bucket.

    They definitely don't even see the extent of influence the Internet is having on things and so won't really be able to see any workable solution except the old stand bye->demonize it.

  • Quillsky
    1. Free high end housing.

    Anyone here seen a Governing Body member's apartment at Bethel?

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