Elders dont know much !!

by leo999 18 Replies latest jw friends

  • leo999

    One of the reasons that I started to 'wake up' from 50 odd years of slumbering in the 'Truth' was the realization that the elders just do not know very much at all . In fact they are so very ignorant !

    2 years ago , I was trying to fill in the advance blood directive form , or whatever it is called and I had the KM insert on the allowable fractions to refer to . Now as I had been always an active witness during the years when we bros / sis phoned various food manufacturers to check on whether blood products were used in their ice cream , sausages , chocolate etc etc , I was astounded at how we were now allowed to have these large fractions .

    So I cornered our study overseer after the group and asked him about this . We arent to have red cells at all , but the Hemoglobin fraction which was 33 % of the red cell was ok . I asked this poor elder about this . What was the remainder of the red cell I asked ?? What was the other two thirds of the red cell that we couldnt have ?? He gaped at me and said nothing .

    No doubt , being the studious type , he thought about it and other blood questions I asked in all innocence at the time , and for which he had no answer except to check bound volumns and cd roms that didnt answer them . He came off being an elder a couple of months later and I always wonder now , if my innocent questions and his lack of answers made him think. I hope so !!

  • Chalam

    Welcome leo999!

    Agreed, all they know is the WT confusion :(



  • sir82
    What was the remainder of the red cell I asked ?? What was the other two thirds of the red cell that we couldnt have ??

    Answer: The cell wall.

    Yep, a red blood cell is basically a bag of stuff, the "bag" being the cell wall and the "stuff" being hemoglobin.

    It's like being told, "No, you can't take home that bag of groceries, but feel free to take all the contents home, so long as you leave the bag behind".

    Absurd is too mild a word.

  • Mad Sweeney
    Mad Sweeney

    For real, Sir82? It's been awhile since I had any biology class that covered the topic. I was going to guess water, which is absurd enough, but the cell wall takes the freaking cake. You can have what's IN the red blood cell but you can't have the cell itself because some Intro to Pre Nursing Human Anatomy book mentioned four components of blood as "primary" in an obscure statment talking about something else.

    If it wasn't so sad and deadly, I'd laugh.

  • crapola

    I have also wondered about these new views on blood fractions. Asked my sister about it and she said she would try to find the answer. That was almost a year ago.

  • sooner7nc

    Hey Mom, why don't you ask her again, or better yet, ask that genius son of hers?

  • crapola

    I think I'll do that!

  • OnTheWayOut

    I was an elder. You are right that they don't know much. I didn't understand all this blood stuff. All I knew was that it was going throughout the organization that elders were to tell people it is a conscience matter on the fractions and up to each individual to try to sort it out.

    I doubt he resigned over your questions, but keep up the good work.

    Elders are just good "company" yes-men.

  • leo999

    @ On the way out . No he resigned on health grounds so we heard , but he keeps pretty well .

    What can get them really in a knot is to ask about the white cells ! They are not allowed on the Blood card either as a blood component . So , one wants to know about when a woman died in the Bible whilst having a baby ,which probably happened a lot in those days ,, did Jehovah just instruct them to let them baby die also ? No , of course not , there were wet nurses who reared the child .Now explain that each drop of breast milk has over 1 million white cells in . So Jehovah in his love allowed the baby to thrive on donated white blood cells in the breast milk , then how come we cannot take donated white cells to save our life ? They simply cannot answer this . Then ask them ,well whose laws should we follow , Jehovahs who saves lives , or men who would want us to die ? It gets the point across ....:))

  • fokyc

    Very true; our local elders don't even know what a JW is!

    They have a completely contrary definition from the WTBTS themselves.

    Elders are full of 'opinions'! and S**T


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