The Watchtower hates the word, "You"

by moshe 32 Replies latest jw friends

  • moshe

    Dozy brought up a good point a few months back about how the WT uses third party terminology to obscure their real motives. I thought it was a good idea to revisit this WT writing technique.


    Look at the Nov 15th 2009 WT, "Treasure your place in the Congregation" and compare what happens when we replace the third party terminology (words in bold type) with first party words.(thanks Dozy) The Watchtower is so skillful in it's use of what I call, weasel words, that the average JW never notices that his mind is being manipulated-


    "We need to examine our response to the direction we receive from the slave class. Over the years, for example, we have received pointed direction on dress and grooming, entertainment, and improper use of the internet. Do we carefully heed this good counsel so that we are spiritually protected?..."

    "Some might reason that areas such as entertainment and dress and grooming are personal matters. For the dedicated Christian who cherishes his place in the congregation, though, personal preferences should not be the sole determining factor when making decisions..."

    "The spirit that now operates in the "sons of disobedience" is so widespread that it is like the air we breathe. That spirit can cause us to think that we do not need guidance from Jehovah's organization... We need to guard against developing a spirit of independence. By word or action, may we never challenge the channel of communication that Jehovah is using today. On the contrary, we should cherish our privilege to cooperate with the slave class. And should we not strive to be obedient and submissive to those taking the lead in our local congregations?"

    Now lets replace the indirect third party terminology with first party words that better convey the true motive of the study article-

    "...You need to examine your response to the direction you receive from us. Over the years, for example, you have received pointed direction on dress and grooming, entertainment, and improper use of the internet. Do you carefully heed (our) good counsel so that you are spiritually protected?"

    "Some might reason that areas such as entertainment and dress and grooming are personal matters. For you, though, personal preferences should not be the sole determining factor when making decisions..."

    "The spirit that now operates in the "sons of disobedience" is so widespread that it is like the air you breathe. That spirit can cause you to think that you do not need guidance from us...You need to guard against developing a spirit of independence (from us). By word or action, may you never challenge us, (as we are) the channel of communication that Jehovah is using today. On the contrary, you should cherish your privilege to cooperate with us. And should you not strive to be obedient and submissive to those taking the lead in your local congregations?"

    The intent is quite clear in the second version- don't You disobey us, the GB, in Brooklyn and obey our minions , the elders, just like We are giving the orders. It's no wonder why so many JW's are having those unpleasant feelings in the back of their mind after the WT study this month. Any other examples, anyone?


    The WBT$ GB needs to go to the Bethel kitchen..

    Turn on the gas to the propane stoves..(Without lighting them)..


    Stick thier Heads in the Oven..

    That would fix all of the WBT$ GB`s..

    Sorry Ass problems..

    ..................................... ...OUTLAW

  • Perry

    Yes! And they love the word "ONE". Example:

    One would think that independent thinking might be a good thing; but is it really?

    Interested people Ones

  • cameo-d
    "We need to examine our response to the direction we receive from the slave class. Over the years, for example, we have received pointed direction on dress and grooming,

    Can someone tell me who is this slave and where I can find him?

    I would like to have my colors done and am wondering if they have a service like wardrobe makeover that I see on TV.

  • lepermessiah

    I have pointed to that article many times over the last few weeks to show their tactics......

    Many people have been honest with me and said that the article was a little troubling to them.

    That is a scary article - Treasure Your Place Under Our Control Or Else!!

    Like you mentioned, it was watered down by their 3rd party terminology - great point!!

    I would like to use the following example from Sudden Impact to express my feelings as to the use of the word "We"

    CROOK: Say what, sucka?

    HARRY: Well, we're not just gonna let you walk out of here.

    CROOK: Who'se we sucka?

    HARRY: [slowly drawing his .44 Magnum] Smith and Wesson... and me.

  • moshe

    Where is that faithful slave at anyway? They are just like the UFO's- everyone has heard of them, but nobody has seen a real one!

  • carla

    Thank you Moshe!

  • Farkel

    Whenever the Watchtower uses the word "you", it is always pejorative and basically means, "you are in deep shit now, pal."

    Farkel, First Person CLASS except when I'm not.

  • Mad Sweeney
    Mad Sweeney

    Their use of third person has multiple purposes, whether intentional or not.

    One, it cloaks their true intent: control.

    Two, it further strips us rank and file of our identity. I'm not me, I'm merely a belonging, one of "us" or one of "them" depending on the context.

    Three, it makes their points unnecessarily confusing and therefore easier to overturn later when they decide that "generation" means the amount of time it takes to watch yellow ochre oil paint dry in the middle of a rainforest.

    Four, it gives their language a uniqueness that unifies (and happyfies!) the rank and file and sets them off as different from "the world."

    There are probably many other purposes it serves that I've overlooked. And while it fits these particular paragraphs well as an illustration of the control tactic, they do it all the time in many circumstances. You can pick any random WT and find a paragraph where their oppression is couched as loving and practical counsel.

  • Elsewhere

    Damn pronouns always making trouble!!!

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