Why are gossip and slander tolerated in the congregation?

by hoser 20 Replies latest jw friends

  • FlyingHighNow

    They take away so much from JW's. I'm sure they realize that it's a form of entertainment that hopefully doesn't lead to fornication.

  • hoser

    entertainment for the slanderers but pure hell for the victim

  • poopsiecakes

    It's interesting that while slander and gossip are supposedly wrong - at least according to the publications - the reason they are so rampant is because there are an inordinate amount of juicy scandals to yap about. I've known more whacked out behavior, such as affairs for example than I've ever experienced among 'wordly' people...unless I'm watching Desperate Housewives, of course. I agree with the above statements that life can be dreadfully tedious as a JW so drama is created by bored ones trying to live outside of the control grip and by those who observe and relish in it. Gossip and slander is one of the most destructive things about human nature and stems from the tacit encouragement to be judgmental.

  • Finally-Free

    Without the ability to gossip and slander JWs wouldn't have a life. If they're not trashing "the world" and everything in it they're trashing each other. It's the single greatest identifying mark of JWs.


  • hoser

    good point poopsiecakes. there certainly is a lot to talk about. let me see. in my short stint as a witness i've witnessed

    4 pedos

    3 wife swaps

    1 stat rape with a minor well same as a pedo

    2 wife beating m/servants

    and countless gossippers/ slanders

  • dissed

    Hoser, I've asked the same question, why do they permit it?

    I've come to this conclusion, "It's just JW's being JW's". It is a way of life for them to malisciously attack those who they call brothers and sisters.

    Most of the worst gossip comes from Elders wives, (husbands share confidential stuff, plus they feel its their right to judge and gossip)

    So what is an Elder to do, when it comes back to them? "Your wife has a problem....." Go back after his wife? Are you kidding me? It becomes all defensive. Speaking of ugly Elder meetings!

    Have any Elders experienced one those meetings? Feelings rise and are not forgotten. Great idea: A new reality show, Elders meetings!

    I've been the object of CO's and their wives gossip. There is nothing worse than a CO's wife who gossips. Try setting that record set?!

  • LittleSister

    I was slandered by my so called JW best friend and why was it tolerated, because ultimately the Elders didn't care whether it was true or not. Her step dad was an elder, while mine was an unbeliever I didn't stand a chance.

    Why did she do it because we both liked the same brother at the time and she wanted to make sure I didn't stand a chance. Mud sticks and my reputation was trashed I was heartbroken at the time.

  • WTWizard

    It is another means to control each other. You listen to a "bad" song, or do something someone doesn't like, and they will blow it up out of proportion. You go against the other hounders, they will make up something to get you removed. They did that to Raymond Franz so he could not alter the path the religion was headed--if they can do it to him, they can do it to anyone else.

  • Simon Morley
    Simon Morley

    It was the sole reason for my slow fade. Elder goes to CO with some "gossip" CO and DO crap all over, prove it is not true, they say okay but told to keep quiet, no apology, ask what scriptural basis there is for an elder to go over the body and me to CO - none - I'm outta here!

    Trying to get to the bottom of gossip and slander (which I have zero tolerance for) is like trying to herd cats. Reason: most elders breach confidentiality and their wives are amongst the worse in a cong for gossip.

    Funny how they never seem to "know" who told them - "oh well, ya, know, people talk...." but when they see some R&F talking to a person of the opposite sex they can name names, time, date, location, weather, clothing, etc with stellar accuracy.

  • carla

    Oh, you guys must have it all wrong. My jw when he first joined up said there was no gossip or slander among jw's and that is partly what attracted him (or his excuse that day anyway). Later he said it is not gossip or slander but rather the cong is like a big family who all love each other so, and as in any family you 'discuss' others problems because what if you had a solution for them or could help them? (how is humanly possible to be so blind?)

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