You dont believe in Jesus...What about prophecy and their fulfillments

by cyberjesus 15 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • cyberjesus

    Ok so I dont believe in the bible anymore, but I what about all the prophecies that were "fullfilled" by jesus and all of the other fulfilled prophesis of bible?

    Any commnents

  • OnTheWayOut

    It can pretty much be established that the writers of the Gospels wrote nice fictions about someone who "fulfilled" prophecies. I have learned ever since an entire season of a television show (Dallas) could be turned into a dream by the writers to look at the writing. Great detective stories do it too. Write the solution and then give your character the clues he needs to get there- write backwards.

    "Okay, our Jesus needs to come from Galilee but from Bethlehem. At his death, I think I will work in this idea of the soldiers casting lots over his garment."

    Next writer:
    "I think there was a scripture that said he came out of Egypt. Let's work that in."

    As far as Jesus foretelling something that actually happened, such as the fall of Jerusalem, there is pretty clear evidence that the Gospels were written after that event.

  • cyberjesus

    OtWO :

    As far as Jesus foretelling something that actually happened, such as the fall of Jerusalem, there is pretty clear evidence that the Gospels were written after that even

    Whats that clear evidence? I am really interested

  • God_Delusion

    You jest?

  • GromitSK

    who jest?

  • Mad Sweeney
    Mad Sweeney

    I'm still pretty early in fade-mode myself, and would also appreciate some links or names of good reference sources debunking the Bible. In all the (admittedly biased) things I've read the Bible is considered as accurate a history source as any other. I kind of knew that the "All Scripture" book by the WTS isn't exactly gospel, but somebody throw us noobs a bone of where else to look.

  • OnTheWayOut

    Whats that clear evidence? I am really interested

    No matter where I steer you, someone (perhaps you) will say it is speculation and cannot be proven. Arguments start. It's almost the same as arguing doctrine with JW's. I just don't do that anymore.
    I answered your question as stated by you, but I don't seek converts from believer to unbeliever. I truly believe each person must take their own spiritual journey to answer such questions. I don't seek to prove myself right anymore.

    Start with some easy stuff and follow your own path: part 1 (follow the links on the right if you want more of this type of stuff.) part 1 (follow the links on the right if you want more of this type of stuff.) Click each section's link to watch the segments of this PBS program

    I read so many different books and do not have the list of them. I wasn't keeping track so I could prove my beliefs to someone else. I went where my desire went and according to what was available at the public libraries. Again, I wouldn't want to tell you what to read.

  • Walkin

    OTWO. I did the same as you and agree it's up to each one to research for themselves as to whether their belief system has any historical support.

    Faith, on the other hand is something different and personal to each believer.

    It would take along list of the books I have researched and read over the years from A to Z on all kinds of topics, too many to list.

    Once in a while I might recommend a book or two that someone here recommended to me and that I found to be very helpful.


  • Seeker4

    A good place to start is with Don't Know Much About the Bible. Written by a scholar for laymen, it spells out pretty clearly how the Bible was written - and the fact that the "prophecy" the WTS falls back on all the time to prove the Bible's divine source is anything but.


  • cyberjesus

    Mad Sweeney: try to book The Bible unearthed by Israel Finkestein there is also a dvd but the book is better

    OTWO: I appreciate your comments and I dont think you are trying to influence me. But evidence and facts do. Thats why I am looking for evidence of his existance not opinions. If there is any evidence then I will be very interested in finding out what it is and then take a descision but if there is no evidence of his existance and the only evidence we have shows that the gospels are based on only stories then it also will influence what I believe.

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