Has anyone ever felt they were possessed by a demon?

by dissed 23 Replies latest jw friends

  • dissed


    I wonder how many that appear to be possessed are just mentally ill (even in Bible times) And were wrongly diagnosed as possessed.

    If you ever have seen someone who is deranged mentally, and you only had a Bible trainning, you could easily think they were demonized.

  • slimboyfat
    I used to enjoy joking about the "secret" JW exorcism rituals. I still do.
    Isn't it odd that a religion so strngly vested into belief in active occult "demon' forces offers no "sanctioned" way of dispatching demons?

    They didn't tell you about the secret Jehovah exorcism rites? What did you think the second school was for? I guess you weren't trusted so much.

  • Butterflyleia85

    slimboyfat, that story to your link was very scary. I read it and had chills, I also have watched the exorcist and omg I had bad dreams, actually I watch alot more scary shows I never would have before but because of my fiance who finds it intriguing I watch them. He is so into them and he also likes to take trips to true haunted places and penitentiaries were there is supposed paranormal activity. He's curiousity scares me. I know he has a great uncle who preforms exorcisms, he is a missionary and has traveled to africa and verious places. He has stories that I have not heard of but has told to my fiance's mother that put fear in her. My curiousity is not the extreme measures my fiance takes but enough that I watch or learn how it works.

    My mom and grandfather said they have experianced what they call evil spirits. I guess my great great great grandmother was an cherokee indian witch doctor and that some of her items were posessed to it caused unual things to happen.

    I still have yet to see it and believe enough to know not to incourage deep retualistic acts. I am scared of (the paranormal idea) what I don't understand. But it does not stop me from doing some research on the subject.

  • Violia


    I read that article and it really sounds like the girl had what was once called multiple personality, and they had what is called shared psychosis.

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