So what's in it for the WTS?

by leec 26 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • leec

    I'm still just trying to understand ....

    What is the real essence of why the leaders at the very core of this religion do what they do? What are they getting? I assume they are all in the 144k, so I get that. But I mean ... that can't be the entire motivation for ALL THIS MISERY. Are there Ferrarris and prostitutes and jewel-encrusted bobbles somewhere down the line ... is it just another way to get the power trip that the members of the board of any huge corporation get? Are there underground catacombs? What?

  • AudeSapere

    Underground catacombs? Hehehe Funny~!! Well, actually there *are* large underground tunnels that go from one building to another crossing under streets and some at an angle to get to numerous buildings without having to go outside. But those tunnels are used by anyone who lives or visits Bethel in NYC.

    It's a big power trip.

    My perception is that Russell was a little kooky but probably sincere in his search and may have been humble enough. Rutherford seems to be the one with the big ego that wanted to get the word out: Advertise, Advertise, Advertise. He also like the notoriety that came with controversy and used his legal background to fight battles in public court. Knorr brought in all sorts of controlling rules while Freddie Franz developed deep doctrine. Then Freddie took the reins as president of the WTS and was left holding those reins when 'this generation' (that was alive in 1914) began to perish. By then he was too old to re-work doctrine and prophesy himself and now the GB is trying to stop the bleeding of its membership.

    The GB and other long-time bethel family members enjoy a position of prestige within the worldwide organization. They are mini-celebrities within the microcosm and are very well taken care of.


  • leec

    ... and from there down, it's just the fear of being ostracized ?

  • AudeSapere

    For the regular membership? I suppose each has their own reason. For many, the belonging and fellowship alone give their lives purpose. For many, they truly believe - or *want* to believe that they are both serving Jehovah and that he will reward them with eternal life in an earthly paradise.

    Sadly, for many, if they leave, they will lose much family and friends - and clients if they have a business with JW clientele.

    For the GB and others in position of power and/or prestige, they lose the privilege of feeling important.

    It sucks to feel that you don't matter. It sucks worse to think that you've spent your whole life slaving for a lie.




    What`s in it for the WBT$?..

    Your Kidding RIGHT???????..

    .......................... ...OUTLAW

  • agonus

    I'm sure that at least some of the GB actually believe in what they're doing, hard though that may be to fathom. And no, I'm not trying to be sarcastic.

  • donuthole

    fortune and glory, kid ... fortune and glory

  • diamondiiz

    One can assume that they were like Ray Franz at one time. Moved up in ranks and when they got to the leadership they were still ignorant of many lies but at that point, they were too deep and too old and too uneducated to jump ship. Once at the helm what do they do? Continue decieving themselves and others, who really knows how many of them believe their own crap? But at this point if they leave they end up like Ray, so what is their choice? They won't change and they don't want to free the slaves but will continue this BS lie with more BS. Some may be passive and some may enjoy their power trip like Jaracz. Bottom line is, they force millions to believe a dream. They enjoy the prestige that comes with their position, they travel the world and stay at nice places and eat well, all the things they wouldn't be able to do if they left but surely number of them must know that their teachings are fraud.

  • agonus

    Maybe... just maybe... one of them just might be a lifelong faker who manipulated his way to the top because he's actually a decent guy who secretly wants to reform things for good from within. In other words, a crypto-quasi-apostate.

    One can only hope.

  • leec

    outlaw ... really, is there that much money in it? i mean that would be an obvious reason since it seems to motivate pretty much everyone, but .... even the 'fortune and glory' thing, or any plausible reason ... I am basically trying to put that together in my head with all the harsh bitter pain at the other end of the hierarchy.

    I guess I just don't want to be that jaded.

    edit: agonus, that's so funny you say that. I was daydreaming about that exact thing like last night or early this morning. crazy.

    edit2 (saving up limited posts): audesapere i wanted to say before, about your comment on Rutherford, that yea, I was reading about Beth Salim earlier today. Wooooo ....

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