Would You Have Remained A Witness If They Weren't Sooo Strict?

by minimus 27 Replies latest jw friends

  • babygirl30

    I was JUST thinking about this...good question!

    Had I NOT been DF'd, it's SCAREY to think that I would still be living a 'double-life' as a JW...afraid to leave because of what it would cost me (my family, friends, life as I knew it). As things go, lost ALL of that anyways - but it's been THE best thing yet.

  • minimus

    Millions of Catholics are not hardcore. If JWs could be the same way, it wouldn't be such a horrible religion. But if you cannot express your disbeliefs or doubts, then, it's just too controlling and nobody wants to feel controlled!

    If you had a choice regarding blood, field service, meetings, buying a lottery ticket, etc. it could be bearable. Having said that, I'm glad to not be associated with this dumb religion.

  • JWoods
    If you had a choice regarding blood, field service, meetings, buying a lottery ticket, etc. it could be bearable. Having said that, I'm glad to not be associated with this dumb religion.

    That, and of course the issues with the many false chronology/prophecy things plus the literal 144,000. Even if they gave up all the above and were as nice as could be, I would still have a problem with the history of practically insane religious ideas.

    I guess some people are more willing than others to suppress their inherent need for proof and logical reason in order to be around their "friends".

  • minimus

    All religions have some baggage.


    Jehovah`s Witness`s have been Crazy from the get go..


    Your asking me..

    If Jehovah`s Witness`s did`nt act like Jehovah`s Witness`s..

    Would I be a Jehovah`s Witness?

    .......................... ...OUTLAW

  • blondie

    So why "join" any religion....? I don't believe in "pick your poison."

  • minimus

    Outlaw and Blondie, well said!

  • VoidEater

    If they were to not be so strict - like, change their entire philosophy - then, sure!

    Actually, I wouldn't have stayed in any case. After a good heaping helping of "wait on Jehovah" and "bring me a second witness to your abuse", I couldn't stomach it.

    I don't see that I would ever fit in to their worldview as an adult. There's too much I disagree with. Why hang out with a bunch of people that believe krazy things? I don't fit in. I never did.

  • minimus

    You might hang out if many others were like minded.

  • BabaYaga

    I think that if they had not been so strict, I would have left much sooner.

    I think it was the fear that kept me bound (and in some ways, binds me still.) Let's just say I'm working on that.

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