What will 2010 Bring?

by e-watchman 23 Replies latest jw friends

  • yknot

    Regarding the case of Amy B.

    Do you believe that there is no fiduciary responsibility on the part of the elders or the Organization regarding the flock as lawyers for the WTS claimed?

    While the judge erroneously failed to discern the control exerted by the WTS the dismissal was not of the entire case but only that of the Org of NY/Penn.......the local Elders were still being held responsible and the WTS was for all purposes left them swing in the wind......even though those Elders only did what was directed of them by the WTS at the time........

    Now imagine yourself being an Elder and following all directives to a T, because anything else would get you deleted and than once legal liability was established or challenged against you because you were faithful......the WTS was like....sorry man that is you problem now that we are no longer named in the suit (dismissed with prejudice)

    And what about the coverage of the Napa Settlements (Amy B was included in this group).........why did the WTS settle? The court documents show that a pedophile could be reappointed and that the WTS kept a database of suspected abusers. Do you realize the WTS settled after the Judge made it know he would call for the database to be released as evidence.

    Perhaps you should stop thinking Thirdwitness is completely honest and forthright....... he askews the facts.

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    Well stated Yknot. Thank you.


  • OnTheWayOut

    Regardless of the dismissals and settlements, Barbara Anderson explains the situation pretty good.

    WTS knows of pedophiles, protects the organization ahead of the individuals, throws members under the bus when handling these situations.

    There are so many victims who never went to trial, but the elders told them to be silent or risk judicial reproof for speaking up. There are so many pedophiles that remained as elders or who remained as trusted brothers in a congregation and continued to work with the younger ones with no warnings to the members. Many children were sent home afraid to come forward ever again after the treatment they received.

    If that's God's organization, then He can have it.

  • Mall Cop
    Mall Cop

    Robert King. Using the Bible to predict what will happen today, tomorrow, and or the future has always failed. A generation comes and goes that is the way it has been since life has existed. All the religion and God talk has not changed this fact of life.

    Scaring people into worship or else is not loving anyone.

    The Bible is a history of men, nothing more. For all your postings about the Bible this and the Bible that, you have not learned anything from those who preceded you in the same line of preaching about love God or else this horrible stuff will befall you.

    It has all proven to be emplty talk.

    Get a life while you still can.

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