Not sure how to handle this one

by Heartbreaker 16 Replies latest jw friends


    Wow..Tuff thread..

    Your out..Your kids have a chance at a normal life..

    Thats better than what ,many of us were left with..

    I think things will work out,for your family..


  • sir82
    It was asked of me tonight now that we don't go to the meetins anymore, how would we ever see the twin.

    Removed - I at first thought an elder had made this comment, but now I see it was your child who did so.

  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep

    You only believed what you did because a bunch of arseholes was disnonest with you.

    You got sucked in by them. It may have been their fault, or your parent's fault, or your fault: .... whatever.... You have to sort it.

    Be honest with your kids, even if it hurts.

  • OnTheWayOut

    I just gave a hug and held tight for a bit and said we still didn't know all the answers, and sometimes that's ok, having thought we had all the answers before, and didn't really. I'd rather be right that we don't know it all, than be wrong and assume we did.

    You did great. I also like jamiebower's suggested add on:
    "I hope someday to see your twin again. But I don't know if it will ever happen. One thing I know for sure is that it won't happen the way it was described at the kh."

  • Georgiegirl

    Not sure how to explain know how we always looked down on "worldly" people b/c they lied to their kids about Santa being real? And then when you're out, you find out it isn't that big of a deal to the kids b/c they naturally "get it"? This is kind of like Santa. At some point, you'll need to have the conversation (and sounds like it might be now) that it isn't real, but it is a really nice story to help people behave but when they get older they don't need "Santa" (i.e. the fantasy New Order) to behave.

  • nugget

    My daughter often asks about people who have died and whether we will see them again. It is hard. I still believe in a loving God but in this time of transition don't want to pass on a new set of doctination whilst my future path is unclear. I tell her we don't know everything so it is important to tell special people how much they mean to us now and let the future be what ever it is.

  • moshe

    That was as good an answer as anyone could give. Yes, JW's have a beautiful hope of life in the new order, but like many doctrines that religions hold dear, there is no basis in fact for the belief.

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