How Easy Would It Be to Disconnect From Your Online Life?

by daniel-p 21 Replies latest jw friends

  • daniel-p


    How easy would it be for you to stop posting on internet forums, social networking sites, and other Internet activities? Is it something you've ever thought of doing? Why?

  • beksbks

    What do you mean? Why? What's wrong, what's happening???! Why would I have to?

  • 144001
  • Lillith26

    I spent the first 24 years of my life without even owning a computer- but now I think I'd die without mine just kidding!

  • jaguarbass

    How easy would it be to disconnect from your online life?

    Its one computer virus away. One loss of income away.

    I dont watch tv. But I spend as much time as a tv watcher would on line.

    Its a way to burn day light or burn life.

    Its entertainment when we have to much time on our hands or dont know what to do with our time.

    Or maybe Its how we choose to spend our time and enjoy the fruits of our labors.

  • yknot

    I thought about it last week in fact....

    Why.......because my hubby was musing about his buddy planning on giving up social net sites for Lent.....

    I could if I 'needed' too......

    With this mobile and wireless internet access though..... I have managed to integrate my normal activites and still be connected (what like yall don't have a laptop in the kitchen too or popped online at walmart........)

    I wondered to myself last night if I could pull off a Bonafide and surf JWN via phone during the meetings.......(not that brazen, yet)

  • leavingwt

    It would be at least as easy as giving up hot running water.

  • changeling

    Impossible. I would go insane. :)

  • cameo-d

    I would like to. Sometimes knowing too much can be a real headache.

  • Purza

    There was an article in the local paper last week about a teacher that assigned her psychology class to turn off the TV and avoid the computer for one week. One girl did it and now does not watch TV and goes on the computer just for school work. She said her life was so much better now that she was no longer connected.

    And I thought good for her. However, I have no desire to lose contact with others or to know what is happening in the world.


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