Just had really funny conversation with an elder!

by LucyA 10 Replies latest jw friends

  • LucyA

    My mother doesn't even try and broach the subject of me becoming a JW anymore because she knows I wont speak to her for months if she tries. What she does do is get the elders to call me.

    An elder just called me as I was downloading some evidence of evolution and happened to mention this to him and he said and I quote. "Oh you don’t need to research crap like that I already did and the whole theory is crap" that’s it no evidence to back up the statement he just made he just expected me to agree. Here’s the part I found funny when I was still "IN" I would have done just that agreed. Ten years later that statement is so insulting I find it comedic. LOL


  • dgp

    Good for you

  • SirNose586

    Yeah...what a great opinion. Because we all know the best people to criticize science are the people who have know idea how the system works. What an idiot.

  • cameo-d

    "Oh you don’t need to research crap like that I already did and the whole theory is crap"

    That is really offensive.

    He is the only one entitled to have an opinion? And he states his opinion as indisputable fact?

    I'd throw the WT "be like a berean" quote in his face.

    Or better yet....question him on it. Ask a few questions that require specifics that you have the info on. Then see if he can converse intelligently about it. If not, tell him he did not research very well not to know that!

    Kindly let him know that is why you cannot "trust" the research of others.

  • ldrnomo

    Don't think for yourself with information you've found on your own. I will do any thinking that needs to be done and all the information I need to impart to you is provided by the faithful slave.

    Been there done that. bullshit!


  • OnTheWayOut

    I might have told him there was no need to read the Watchtower literature, the writers already did that.
    There's no need to research the truth of the Bible, the Pope already did that.
    There's no need to worship God, Abraham already did that.

  • changeling

    If your elder "friend" wants to educate himself, here's a good site:


  • thetrueone

    Ask this genius where and what creates common crude oil.

  • bohm

    LucyA: Just ask him to define the theory of evolution. Unless he actually researched it he will not be able to do so. It has worked everytime for me. If he for some odd reason manage to get it right, ask him why their own book on evolution get it wrong. (Their book on evolution 'life how did it get here', confuse the theory of abiogenesis with evolution)

  • aniron

    I recall my sons biology teacher saying

    "I have taught biology for 30 years and never have taught evolution as a fact.
    It is a Theory and always will be. Until they come up with clear undisputed evidence it will always be a theory.
    Anyone who says otherwise is fooling themselves."

    And this guy was not religious or anything, he had no time for that either.

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