Jihad at Sodom and Gomorrah

by cameo-d 34 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • cameo-d

    WW WT D?

    How would your family react if you brought home a couple of strange men to stay the night? What would the elders say if they dropped in on you and saw the situation? Would it be appropriate? Would your wife and two teenaged daughters feel that they could close their eyes and rest in safety during the night?

    In Lot's day, I imagine that a situation like this would be highly unusual. I would think that it would be an act of social impropriety and that both civil manners and religious law would require that if male strangers were to stay in the home, that the females would leave to find lodging elsewhere. This could well have been one reason the neighbors were concerned. The situation was totally improper.

    Should it be any surprise that Lot would have chosen to let these two strange men stay for the night while sending the females away in the dark?

  • cameo-d

    Lot's Wife

    Did Lot's wife really turn in to a pillar of salt for being 'disobedient'?

    Did she really covet the world she was leaving behind?

    Is this a story to manipulate people into feeling guilty for attachments to their friends and relatives that they must leave behind for the 'cause of religion'?

    Is this story used to incite fear that god will kill you for the least of infringements of his orders?

    Is Lot's wife used to illustrate that people must obey the orders of an invisible dictator and his tryannical representatives over their natural instincts of love for home, community, and people who believe differently?

    The Quran tells a similar story of Sodom and Gomorrah, but there are some very interesting differences. Like this excerpt:

    81 (The Messengers) said: "O Lut! We are Messengers from thy Lord! By no means shall they reach thee! now travel with thy family while yet a part of the night remains, and let not any of you look back: but thy wife (will remain behind):To her will happen what happens to the people. Morning is their time appointed: Is not the morning nigh?"


    Was the fate of Lot's wife pre-determined by the jihadists?

    Was Lot's wife forced to remain behind as a decoy or because of their judgement on her?

    Did she have any choice in the matter?

    Did she martyr herself in order to save her family?

    Did Lot's wife refuse to leave because of personal integrity and not wanting to participate in the evil plans of the jihadists?

    And so, Lot put on his wife's clothes and escorted his daughters out into the night.

    Lot used the situation of proprietary behavior of females leaving the house, to cloak himself in the only disguise that could safely see him through the dark of the town and to reach its outskirts.

  • cameo-d


    There's just one more detail to consider: Lot's wife. Although most Bibles say she became a "pillar" of salt, the word used here (netziv in Hebrew) elsewhere refers to a look-out "station" or an officer (who is "stationed" over others).



    Having read other material that describes the function of netziv, it seems that this word refers to someone who is posted as a watchman.

    Could it be that the word was translated according to it's idiom as opposed to its context?

    Has it been translated in a way that the literal definition does not communicate its figurative usage?

    It brings to mind a phrase "from pillar to post" which means someone who aimlessly wanders. But suppose there is a hidden meaning? Suppose those words are transposed? It becomes "from post to pillar" and perhaps that is what happened in the translation of terms here.

    Yes, a post can be a pillar; a post can be a tree stump driven in the ground or an ornate pillar to support a structure in it's architectural context.

    But 'post' could also mean one who is posted to stand guard. This seems to be the contextual meaning of the word "netziv".

    It could very well be that Lot's wife remained behind as a decoy out of her love and concern for her family in order to assure their safe passage.

    Just as Lot could have worn her clothes as a means of escape, Lot's wife could have exchanged her clothes for his and stood in the doorway so that townspeople watching would be assured they were at home.

    But let's look at yet another theory......

  • cameo-d

    According to the story in the Midrash...

    Lot's wife is none too happy about her husband bringing home these strange men.

    She attempts to bar the door and lock them out.

    Finally, in compromise, she tells her husband to stay on "his side" of the house with them.

    Lot asks her to bring them salt. Her response is odd.

    quote from http://jwa.org/encyclopedia/article/lots-wife-midrash-and-aggadah

    She responded: “Do you even wish to learn this bad habit from Abraham?” ( Gen. Rabbah 50:4).

    Could it be that salt was used in the explosives they were making? Sodomite salt?

    Anyway, Lot's wife goes from house to house asking for salt and telling the neighbors about the strange guests her husband has brought home.

    Could it be that the ruckus around Lot's house, demanding to "know" who these men were and what they were up to...were a response to Lot's wife letting them know she was troubled about the matter?

    Did Lot's wife start the mob action because townspeople felt her husband was endangering her and them as well?

    Did the jihad messengers hold her hostage and not allow her to leave because she tipped their hand?

  • cameo-d

    So, is it possible that Lot's wife was the rebel rouser and sole cause of the crowd because she was searching out enough salt to make bomb material? Or because she was going to her neighbors because she felt fearful of these two strangers her husband had drug home?

    This would certainly seem more reasonable than the stories that have been promoted by foot rolling evangelists! A crowd of homosexuals wanting to gang bang angels is really a stretch and there is nothing in the scriptures or historical antedotes that supports this. I propose that many of these lies have been used to throw people into argument rather than searching deeper for what really took place.


    I have probably been flagged by DHS in trying to research explosives to answer this question!

    From what I have found, we all probably have an arsenal in our homes in cleaning products.

    Salt and sulfur are common materials used in many types of explosives.

    The maji from the mystery schools were most likely trained in chemistry of the day. Applied chemistry begain about 4000 BC in Egypt.

    From the "amazing bible discoveries" website comes this information:

    Lab anaylsis of samples from the ruins of sodom and gomorrah reveal two major components: -ash and elemental sulfur. Also rocks with sulfur deposit and charcoal. Further tests indicate the ash to be limestone ( calcium carbonate), the sulfur in the ash is from powdered sulfur balls, not sulfate.

    According to the chemist conducting the analysis, these sulfur balls are rare and also peculiar for the area of Sodom and Gomorrah.

    Like other researchers, he concurs that the Dead Sea was probably formed by the catastrophe.

    Lab analysis shown and explained: http://www.biblediscoveries.com/content/view/32/48/

    Scriptures portray the fiery judgement came from a skyward direction and implies that the burning mass originated from above the surface of the plain. However, gaseous material could errupt high into the air from within the crust of the earth if perhaps a fault or fissure were ignited.

    Sulfur occurs in natural gas and petroleum crudes; it is also a component of black gunpowder.

    Asphalt contains a high percentage of sulfur and we have already been given information in scripture of the numerous asphat tar pits in the valley of Siddim. Perhaps the catalyst (s) were placed in strategic locations(s) to ignite these natural deposits of tar and crude oil.

    According to Biblical Archeology website, the Dead Sea is situated on an enormous fault line known as the Great Rift Valley.

    Could explosives have been lodged within a fissure to produce both a quake and erruption?

    Sulfur reacts with oxygen and absorbs water to form sulphuric acid with evolution of huge heat as Gibbs free energy. The intensity and corrosiveness of the fire mixture increases the explosiveness.

    Sulfur combustion and emission is to the environment like venom of a snake bit. It also produces acid rain which kills enriching bacterias and organic matter rendering the soil infertile. Truly, it does become "a wasteland forever".

    Further evidence that points to a controlled explosion is revealed by the falling level of the Dead Sea. Shrinkage of the surface area has exposed bizarre fissures as "almost architecturally articulated rock fissures". The unnatural event formed a crust of rock salt so hard that modern technology struggles to penetrate it with drilling.

    I have found no corroborating evidence of nuclear radioactive materials being used, nor of the radioactivity in that area. The quote in previous post, cited from Bibliotecapleyades originated from material by Sitchin which can be found at (www. tribes.tribe.net..) and deals with, imho, a lot of far fetched propositions.

    However, the radioactivity is plausible from causes other than nuclear explosives. Most radionuclides in groundwater result from interactions with rocks. Radium 226, 228, and 224 indicates large mobilization of radium from aquifer rocks. There is a big problem with radioactive water in Jordan and much has been written about this.

  • Lillith26

    (just book marking so I can find this thread again later- Thank you... you have put a "Lot" into your research lol no really, great job)

  • cameo-d

    A few points to ponder.....


    God told Moses "No man can see my face and live."

    Yet, God sits down under atree and has lunch with Abraham. (go figure!)


    God says the cry from Sodom and Gommorah is so great that he is going down to see for himself. Yet, he doesn't go. He stays behind to visit with Abram while he sends the jihad militia on down.

    "So when I go down I shall see whether they are perpetrating according to the outcry concerning them that is coming to me, but if not---that I may know."

    And after the men had turned away from there, they went to Sodoma, but Abraam was still standing before the Lord.

    (Gen. 18:21-22, Septuagint)


    When Lot asks about the collateral damage, we almost assume that the angels may be going down to investigate the situation. But that is not what scripture tells us.

    Firstly, the jihad angels have already left before Abraam even begins to negotiate with god concerning any righteous people that might be there. The die has already been cast. They have already been sent on a mission and it will be too late to give different instructions.

    These "angels" do not investigate whether there are any 'righteous' people are not. They are just there to set up a devastation. The plan has already been decided before they ever got there.


    Abraam proceeds to ask if ten righteous should be found would god spare the city. God answers in the affirmative that even if ten righteous were to be found he would spare the city.

    Compare this to what the angels said to Lot:

    "Then the men said to Lot, "have you anyone here, sons-in-laws, or sons and daughters? Or if you have anyone else in the city, bring that one out of this place. For we are about to destroy this place....the Lord has sent us to annhiliate it." (Genesis 19:12 Septuagint)

    Lot was given the opportunity to rescue his family, friends, etc. It was not a matter of righteousness at all. It was a matter of favoritism according to whoever Lot chose as his friends.


    Also bear in mind that other cities were destroyed in this blast. Their "righteousness" was never even considered. Apparently, there was a lot of 'collateral damage'.

  • cameo-d

    Lot's Wife

    Here we see how a geological phenomenon becomes a lucrative tourist attraction.

  • cameo-d

    There is a theory postulated that the judgement of Sodom and Gomorrah actually had everything to do with a change of alliance in religious affiliation.

    This seems the more reasonable explanation to me.

    I found some curious antedotal information concerning Lot's wife. Take a look.


    J. C. Ryle

    There are few warnings in Scripture more solemn than this. The Lord Jesus Christ says to us, "Remember Lot's wife."

    Lot's wife was a professor of religion: her husband was a "righteous man" (II Peter 2:8). She left Sodom with him on the day when Sodom was destroyed; she looked back towards the city from behind her husband, against God's express command; she was struck dead at once, and turned into a pillar of salt. And the Lord Jesus Christ holds her up as a beacon to His church: He says, "Remember Lot's wife."



    "Lot's wife was a professor of religion"???? What exactly does this mean?

    In looking up 2 Peter 2:8 in the various translations, the scripture is in parenthesis. It is my understanding that when the original wording is rejected in favor of a translation that the translation is enclosed in parenthesis. I have not been able to corrobrate these words of J.C. Ryle. Perhaps someone else will have info concerning a more original version of this scripture.

    In the meantime, look how others have taken the liberty to change these words in order to promote their agenda.

    Remember Lot’s Wife

    J. C. Ryle

    T here are few warnings in Scripture more solemn than this. Our Lord Jesus Christ says to us, "Remember Lot's wife" (Luke 17:32).

    Lot's wife professed the true religion. Her husband was a "righteous man" (2 Peter 2:8). She left Sodom with him on the day when Sodom was destroyed. She looked back towards the city from behind her husband, against God's clear command. She was struck dead at once and turned into a pillar of salt. And our Lord Jesus Christ holds her up as a warning to his church. He says, "Remember Lot's wife."



    Notice the twist of the words?

    (First quotation:) "Lot's wife was a professor of religion."

    (Second quotation:) "Lot's wife professed the true religion."

    And so, this is how scripture becomes corrupted through the ages. It is also how men manipulate themes to promote agendas of hatred and deceit.

  • cameo-d

    <sorry...cut and paste went wacko>

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