WTS claims to shine as brightly as the Sun

by cattails 62 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • AnnOMaly

    Peeps, maybe this explains the Watchtower logo picture:

    "November 2, 2009


    Re: Study articles of The Watchtower on the jw.org Web site

    Dear Brothers:

    We are pleased to inform you that the study articles in the English edition of The Watch-tower will be made available as PDF files in the public area of the jw.org Web site. This should be helpful to brothers who live in countries where their mother tongue is not spoken and who have difficulty obtaining their magazines in time for the Watchtower Study in their congregation. During the month of December 2009, English files for the issues of January 15, February 15, and March 15, 2010, will be posted on the site in two different formats. Thereafter, beginning with the issue of April 15, 2010, PDF files will be posted at the same time as the English audio files. The study articles in other languages will be added to the site as they become available. You will be able to print out the study articles in the following two formats.

    The regular-size study articles for each issue will be in a single PDF file. The file will in-clude a cover sheet with the publishers' information in the header, schedules from the original printed cover (study dates, titles, song numbers), and the "Purpose of Study Articles" text from page 2. Commercial artwork for which we do not have approval to distribute electronically will be replaced with a generic image. Also, any portion of a nonstudy article that shares the same page with part of a study article will be deleted.

    Each issue of the large-print edition will be distributed in two PDF files to match the two parts of each issue of the printed edition of The Watchtower-Large-Print. This will require printing out 64 pages, but it will no doubt be helpful to brothers with poor eyesight.

    Only the six current issues of the study edition of The Watchtower in both formats will be available on the jw.org Web site. The files will be removed after they have been available for six months.

    We send our warm Christian love and best wishes.

    Your brothers,

    PS to coordinator of the body of elders:

    At the next Service Meeting, please arrange for an announcement to be made to the congregation that a letter on the above-noted subject has been posted on the information board."

    (taken from http://www.jwsupportforum.com/index.php?topic=8313.0;wap2)

    If the logo image is really a placeholder because they don't have approval to reproduce their chosen picture electronically, you guys are all getting your heads in a spin for nothing. I guess we'll just have to wait for the printed version to come out.

  • cameo-d

    In the Armageddon scenerio, the sun is supposed to turn to darkness and the moon no longer give its light.

    So, here we are talking about bright sunshine now....has Armageddon been postponed once again?

    When they start talking about the Paradise plans that are underway, be assured something terrible is already going on.

    When times are good, they speak of horrors; when horrors are happening, they will speak of Paradise. They will always turn heads away from current realities.

  • nugget

    In our copy we don't have a logo we have a picture of wheat being harvested. Perhaps when it went to print the logo was changed for a picture. Perhaps the artwork wasn't available at the time of the PDF. Also with the PDF they don't use copywrited photos or artwork so use the symbol to fill the gap. It doesn't mean anything significant in the same way ipsum dipsum pilori is used to fill text before final copy.

  • slimboyfat

    I thing AnnOMaly has the answer. My wife also suggested the image was a placeholder when she saw it. It was a pretty funny coincidence that the radiance around the WT logo fitted in with the subect matter in this instance.

  • AnnOMaly

    I can't take credit for the answer. There was a beliefnet discussion where the JWs were busting a gut laughing over how the "anti-JWs" were getting their panties in a knot over a placeholder.

  • Mickey mouse
    Mickey mouse

    Personally I don't think it's a place holder.

    I guess we'll have to wait and see.

  • cattails

    But since when doesn't the WT consider every single detail before publication?

    If they used a radiant logo place holder where the article talks about shining as brightly as the Sun you have to figure that they did this on purpose.

    Not much get by, everything is scrutinized and double checked.

    Maybe the reason was to get our panties all in a huff, but to me they did this on purpose. No accident here. Besides

    there doesn't appear to be a logo like that anywhere else in the magazine, nor in the other PDF issues so far that I can see.

    I call foul, but on purpose, they've done it with full knowledge that it would be talked about, maybe they even discussed it before making it available.

    I wouldn't put it past the WTS.

  • slimboyfat
    I can't take credit for the answer. There was a beliefnet discussion where the JWs were busting a gut laughing over how the "anti-JWs" were getting their panties in a knot over a placeholder.

    Oh yeah, as if any number of things in the Revelation book aren't a lot more ridiculous than this. I take no pleasure in the irony of Witnesses who still believe such nonsense laughing at former Witnesses who've given up Watchtower absurdities. They should ask themselves what's worse: mistaking a placeholder for an illustration, or mistaking the Witness worldview for something other than the complete void it is. For some of us membership of the Watchtower organization has been a sort of placeholder in our lives, in the place of which we are now attempting to install something with actual content.

    Can you give us a link to the discussion?

  • cattails

    But why choose a place holder graphic that exactly illustrates what's being discussed in that paragraph.

    Shining brightly as the Sun, and they put a WT circular logo radiating like it was a Sun.

    They do this on purpose or what? I tend to think so. They don't tend to do many things on accident in those WTs.

  • Gayle

    Sometimes, the WTS throws out a thought or expression, or a picture,,see the reaction,,if no big stir they keep it or don't show again for a while. Actually, I think it was on purpose, a subliminal point with an 'out' with a technical issue? Right!~

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