Do dubs intentionally mess up other people's holidays/birthdays?

by rebel8 28 Replies latest jw friends

  • Too Opinionated
    Too Opinionated

    Yup~ I have a sister-in-law that does this, but swears she's not. Very passive-aggressive.

    Our niece was giving her non-dub mother a surprise birthday party. Many people were coming driving 3 hours to get there. Sure enough, her witness sister had to call her and just let it "slip" about the party. She has done this other times, too. When called on it, she just shrugs. Her attitude that can do nothing wrong is infuriating to the rest of us.

  • undercover

    When I was a kid my family usually did a disappearing act around the holidays. My parents purposely avoided non-JW family. I think it was partly to not be pressured to join in by them and partly to not spoil their fun.

    But until I was in my mid-teens, my parents took us out in service on Thanksgiving and Xmas day. I hated it. Nothing worse than bothering a house full of people who are opening presents or enjoying a family gathering and meal only to watch the expression on their face go from joy to hatred in milliseconds and know it's your fault.

    Even as a kid I wondered, why not leave people alone on these two special days of theirs? Okay, they're not special to us, but let's be respectful of their days and traditions as we expected people to do of us?

  • treadnh2o

    Many members have a misplaced superiority complex that causes them to be idiots during the holidays.

    As a religion, I don't feel they INTENTIONALLY TRY to mess up holidays for people.

    However, the fact that they would arrange and promote field service on holidays is incredilbly disrespectful.

  • blondie

    So the jws are insisting that the non-jw family members (other than immediate family, spouses and minor children) can't celebrate the holidays? If this is the case, the non-jws need to set the example and let the jws know they can't impose their beliefs on them. I grew up in a family of about half jws and half non-jws and we showed respect for the non-jws and they respected us. If they can't do that, the ones that can should and set a good example. There are fights amongst families without the JW factor and I have found that to be the underlying factor.

    Don't let them spoil your good moments....

  • Tristram

    When I was a kid my family usually did a disappearing act around the holidays.

    Yeah, I do that too. Figure I've put in enough time and appearances to take Thanksgiving off. I've heard of some halls rescheduling meetings to give the folks a much deserved night to themselves. Never experienced it myself though. Good for them. I'm sure if this gets kicked upstairs there will be a cease and desist letter coming down soon.

  • WTWizard

    You mean getting hounded to visit my "teacher" on Thanksgiving and Christmas before I am even an "unbaptized publisher", so I cannot worship the sun?

  • restrangled

    I knew a lot of dubs that took special joy in disrupting the holidays. (We know they'll be home) etc. etc.

    Thankfully, my parents always thought it was out of the question to go door to door on those days.


  • rebel8

    Did you guys ever hear the dubs get all excited the week before xmas if there was no snow in the forecast? I always felt it was so immature and spiteful.

    "I hope they don't have a white Christmas. Maybe if they don't enjoy it so much, they will wake up to how Pagan it is."

    My mother does everything she can to screw with everyone else's plans on any holiday. If she finds out my non-jw dad is coming to my house, she does whatever she can to make him late, "forget" to tell him what time to be there, convince him not to come by being a drama queen, etc.

    yes, I think many of them do.

    many also have mental problems, so it is understandable

    The Oracle

  • Elsewhere


    "It's not just a tree, it's a movement!"

    Buahahahaha! It's a "movement". They made a poop joke.

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