WT 11/1/2009 Public Edition: Do you need to learn Hebrew or Greek?

by truthseeker 17 Replies latest jw friends

  • truthseeker

    This is not a study article but I thought it was interesting that the WT felt the need to write an article about whether it was worth learning either Hebrew or Greek to study the Bible.

    Here are some select quotes from this article...

    The majority of people who read the Bible today do not understand Hebrew or Greek. Rather, they need to use a translation of the Bible in their own language. You probably need to do the same. Since these translations do not claim to be inspired, you may have wondered, "Can I fully understand the message of the Bible while using a translation, or should I try to learn Hebrew or Greek?

    Factors to keep in mind

    Having a knowledge of ancient Hebrew or Greek does not in itself miraculously make someone more inclined to understand the message of the Bible. Speaking to the Jewish people of his day Jesus said: "You are searching the Scriptures, because you think that by means of them you will have everlasting life; and these are the very ones that bear witness about me. And yet you do not want to come to me that you may have life."

    A third factor is that learning a new language can be a very difficult task. In the meantime, the old adage may prove true, A little knowledge is a dangerous thing? How so?

    What is the meaning of the Word?

    Have you ever been asked by someone learning your language about the meaning of a particular word? If so, you know that it is not always easy to give an answer. Why not? Because a word may have several meanings. You may have found yourself asking the person for an example of a word in a sentence. Without that context, it may be difficult for you to determine which meaning of the word may apply.


    What motive could the Watchtower have for writing an article like this?

    The Kingdom Ministry of Sep 2007 comes to mind...

    “Some have pursued an independent group study of Biblical Hebrew and Greekso as to analyze the accuracy of the New World Translation. …They have also held conferences and produced publications to present their findings and to supplement what is provided at our Christian meetings and through our literature. …Thus, ‘the faithful and discreet slave’ does not endorse any literature, meetings, or Web sites that are not produced or organized under its oversight"

  • VM44

    Obviously, The Watchtower does not approve of people learning the biblical Hebrew and Greek languages.

    Why would they not approve?

    Because it is easier to pass off their "interpretations" of the scriptures to people not knowing the original languages.

    The Watchtower wants the people only to "know" that what The Watchtower has taught them to "know."

    Perfect example of Watchtower Information control!

  • highdose

    they would also discover that their precious word "agape" was wrong! and cannot be used to imply what they want it to imply!

  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep
    What motive could the Watchtower have for writing an article like this?

    They have dropped the Book Study night, where they had control of the material, and are encouraging 'family study' where they have almost no control.

    The only control they have is the kind you have quoted, encouraging family members to snarl at anyone who dares do anything more than superficial research.



  • acolytes


    Remember the translators of the N.W.T claimed to have translated from the origional Greek and Hebrew.

    What the article means is their translation can be trusted.


  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep

    What the article really means is their translation cannot be trusted.

    If their translation could be trusted they would encourage you to learn geek and brew to convince yourself of how brightly the sun shines out of their bottoms.

  • teel

    The article wants us to believe that their translation can be completely trusted, therefore you're only wasting your time doublechecking it (I think this is what acolytes thought of - that, or a spelling mistake). However in truth it is only one more example of information control of a high-control cult.

  • acolytes


    Thanks for clarifying my point.

    I will only debate with witnesses if they will give me the translators name of their bible.

    Strangely the witnesses come back time and again with literature on all those who praise the translation. I say thanks kindly Just the translators names. This has gone on for months.


  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep

    If you really want to know who they were, it is on an old thread in the forum somewhere.

    Personally, I don't give a toss, but it is nice to watch them squirm

  • acolytes

    Hi Blacksheep

    I know the translators names and that they couldnt speak Greek or Hebrew-(I was a Witness)

    Iam in an area where my witness history is not known-But I must admit I like to watch them squirm from such a simple request:


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