Did you often leave half way through the meetings?

by highdose 19 Replies latest jw experiences

  • ziddina

    Leave in the middle of the meeting?? Oh Crap no! That's a good way to paint a target on your back...

    I just stopped GOING to meetings...


  • jambon1

    When we had no children I would sit through the whole lot & then 'take care of my responsibilities'

    When we had 1 & then 2 children 'taking care of my responsibilities' bacame extreemly tiring. No-one wanted to help me out.

    Eventually, the work load took it's toll (among other matters) & I just walked out of the hall, never to return again.

    PS - we had some awful speakers. At times, even when just my wfe & I, we wanted to scream. You just wanted a beer, a bowl of crisps & the TV.

  • Leprechaun

    I arrived late, and left early all the time. I should have went fishing or out to play pool and drink beer.

  • finallysomepride

    often as I could, in the end every sunday if i went at all

  • VoidEater


    But I did spend a lot of time in the bathroom after halftime.

  • dudeson

    A lot of us used to skip out on the WT to get an early start skiing. I never remember anyone ever saying anything about it.

  • WTWizard

    I didn't leave halfway through the boasting session. I didn't show up at all.

  • treadnh2o

    I lived walking distance from the hall.

    On Sunday afternons, once my toddler started to make noise, I would get up, go outside, walk home, watch an hour or so of football and wander back 5 min. before the final prayer. This would drive my wife nuts!

    One time an Elder friend showed up with his toddler right after I got home and we watched football together. Most everyon knew that this JW business was no longer my thing!

  • no more kool aid
    no more kool aid

    We were big halftime bolters there toward the end. On week nights it's really tough with kids and homework to be out until 9:45, then get yourself up and out early the next morning. By Sunday you are just wanting a little free time.

  • FreeAtLast1914

    Never left at halftime, but toward the end I had a buddy (left the religion years before) who would text me game updates especially on Thursdays and Sundays. It helped pass the time with minimal pain. One night a brother caught me checking my texts and approached me after the meeting. I showed him my "method" for keeping up on games. We had a good laugh until an elder nearby overheard our conversation, made a snarky comment, and walked off. Then the brother got a verbal spanking from his wife and left, giving me a thumbs up as he walked away.

    He is still "inside" but I have high hopes for the guy.

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