Women as second class citizens

by iMARX 32 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Slappy

    Please don't take JW teaching and attribute that to the Bible, to God, and to Paul. That is unfair on all three counts. The GB is men; men who have taken and twisted what Paul said and used it for their own devices. In fact, it wouldn't surprise me in the slightest if these weak men who have applied the words of Paul in such an extreme form have done so because they fear(ed) their wives and view(ed) this as the only way to gain power over them.

    In no way do true Christian men view women in the light that JW do. Women are our helpmate and equal. Without them we would be lost and listless. We are told to love, cherish, and respect our wives (Eph. 5:28, 33) which it appears a good many JW husbands don't do. It is true that, physically, women, for the most part, are the "weaker vessels". Although in pain tolerance you blow us men away. In Romans 15:1, Paul tells us who are strong to look out for those who are weak. While this is in relation to faith, I don't think it a stretch to also apply in the physical sense.

    Furthermore, what's the hang up with submitting? Men submit to all sorts of people: parents, wives (this happens a lot), superiors (bosses, etc...), and others. It doesn't mean that they're better than us. So why do women/wives get the idea that in submitting it means that man/husband is better than they? The only reason to think this is because of the interpretation that self-serving men have put forward.

    As a side note, look at the example of Abraham and Sarah. According to the laws and traditions in Abraham's time, he would have been justified in putting Sarah away and finding another wife due to Sarah being barren. Yet he didn't, why? Because he loved her! While Sarah did submit to her husband, there were a couple instances where she quite clearly shouldn't have (when she agreed to be his sister and not his wife).

  • Mad Sweeney
    Mad Sweeney

    The latest "sign language interpreters have to wear a head covering" article is a particularly egregious example of the GB's goal of humiliating women. They actually like humiliating everyone, but especially enjoy humiliating people who actually have something to be proud of.

  • Larsinger58

    There is sexism and inequality right now.

    But that is only because of the need for procreation. Once everyone has been granted everlasting life, obviously there will be no more children born and thus no more need for marriage. But also no more need for the sexes!!!

    There is a passage in scripture that suggests the final form of humankind will be like the "angels" and thus androgynous. Therefore, everybody will be equal. Everyone will have both sexes and there will be no more sexism.

    That's at least comforting that God's ultimate plan is equality for all.

    One day we will all be of the same sex and can sex with anybody we want. No more "adultery.


  • carpediem

    Slappy, I grew up going to church until I left to join the witnesses. It is all much of a muchness. They had exactly the same attitude in church, perhaps more sweetly wrapped but same effect - man is the head, woman submissive.

  • dissed

    This should help everyone understand the headship principle of the Bible or is it Jewish tradition, you decide.

    The Apostle Paul, explains it all for you - the bigot


  • dgp

    Larsinger, I like to be a man, and I love women. I can't be a JW if being "asexual" is what is required. We were born with the equipment for a reason, I believe, and I don't think the Almighty would have us be born with it so Satan could tempt us.

  • dgp

    I read somewhere that religions rarely change from within. They respond to outside pressures. I think it's about time the WTBTS get's some outside pressure on its treatment of women.

  • John Doe
    John Doe

    Don't flatter yourself. It's more like 3rd or 4th class.

  • John Doe
    John Doe
    In no way do true Christian men view women in the light that JW do.

    Nothing grates on my nerves with more screeching screams than "true Christian." That's ca ca in a sack with a pretty bow ribbon.

  • cheerios

    i always hated it ... and i'm not a woman. i prefer the company of women over men - dunno why, just do.

    and i truly believe that women are the stronger of the species. if reproduction was up to men, we'd have died out eons ago. i whine for hours when i get a paper cut ... can you imagine men carrying babies to term then giving birth? o.O

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