I find it illogical for people to believe in "Religion"

by sinis 40 Replies latest jw experiences

  • sinis

    Just out? Whatever you do, don't make the mistake of turning your back on Scripture like the ex-JW atheists and God-haters on this site have done; they are just Satan's minions and offer very little in the long run. The biggest mistake you can do is pretend that the Bible is not the word of God, and thereby do your own thing as you see fit. It's understandable that the JWs have poisoned you to the truth as represented in the Bible, but that is their version, their error, and that's based on their NWT Bible, which is no real Bible at all. If you have been in for very long, you probably have been brainwashed to believe that Christendom is the work of Satan. It's not. You probably think the Trinity is the work of the devil. It's not. You have just been mislead to believe that.

    Don't turn your back on Him and deny Him. Do not be anti-Christ. Don't swing from one ridiculous extreme to another more ridiculous extreme. From the Almighty's perspective you are better off in the cult and believing in Him than denying Him. I don't need to tell you the risks involved. Plenty of good protestants and catholics out there. Some of them are preaching on the radio.

    No, I've been out for a while. Stimulated my brain by finishing up school, etc. The Bible is NOT the word of "god". I make no bones about pretending, that is fact - do some research and history of the Bible. Satan, God, Demons, etc. are ALL figments of weak minded people taught to believe in a duality of heaven and earth, good and evil - a means to praise and blame something non tangible outside of their control.

    How can I deny something that has not been proven to exist? You must be aware of all os the frauds perpretrated by the Church - Eusebius, Josephus fraud, etc.? Risk? Shit, when I die I die. Xians, religo, etal are, in my opinion, brain washed. Socrates said it best with regards to death (moral of the story is - who cares, live life now - I'm sure if God is all knowing and all loving he won't be an ass, realize that their are a shit load of religions that just confuse and show mercy to those - but alas, the god of religion is a bloodthirsty asshole...):

  • sinis
    Moreover, we may hence conclude that there is great hope that death is a blessing. For to die is one of two things: for either the dead may be annihilated and have no sensation of anything whatever; or, as it is said, there is a certain change and passage of the soul from one place to another. And if it is a privation of all sensation, as it were, a sleep in which the sleeper has no dream, death would be a wonderful gain. For I think that if anyone, having selected a night in which he slept so soundly as not to have had a dream, and having compared this night with all the other nights and days of his life. should be required on consideration to say how many days and nights he had passed better and more pleasantly than this night throughout his life, I think that not only a private person, but even a great king himself would find them easy to number in comparison with other days and nights. If, therefore, death is a thing of this kind, I say it is a gain; for thus all futurity appears to be nothing more than one night. 6
    But if, on the other hand, death is a removal from hence to another place, and what is said be true, that all the dead are there, what greater blessing can there be than this, my judges? For if, on arriving at Hades, released from these who pretend to be judges, one shall find those who are true judges, and who are said to judge there. Minos and Rhadamanthus, Æacus and Triptolemus, and such others of the demigods as were just during their own life, would this be a sad removal? At what price would you not estimate a conference with Orpheus and Musæus, Hesiod and Homer? I indeed should be willing to die often, if this be true. For to me the sojourn there would be admirable, when I should meet with Palamedes, and Ajax son of Telamon, and any other of the ancients who has died by an unjust sentence. The comparing my sufferings with theirs would, I think, be no unpleasing occupation. 7
    But the greatest pleasure would be to spend my time in questioning and examining the people there as I have done those here, and discovering who among them is wise, and who fancies himself to be so but is not. At what price, my judges, would not any one estimate the opportunity of questioning him who led that mighty army against Troy, or Ulysses, or Sisyphus, or ten thousand others, whom one might mention, both men and women? with whom to converse and associate, and to question them, would be an inconceivable happiness. Surely for that the judges there do not condemn to death; for in other respects those who live there are more happy than those that are here, and are henceforth immortal, if at least what is said be true. 8
    You, therefore, O my judges, ought to entertain good hopes with respect to death, and to meditate on this one truth, that to a good man nothing is evil, neither while living nor when dead, nor are his concerns neglected by the gods. And what has befallen me is not the effect of chance; but this is clear to me, that now to die, and be freed from my cares, is better for me. On this account the warning in no way turned me aside; and I bear no resentment toward those who condemned me, or against my accusers, altho they did not condemn and accuse me with this intention, but thinking to injure me: in this they deserve to be blamed.
  • snowbird

    I don't believe that accepting the Trinity is essential to being a Christian.

    Here's what I believe:

    John 20:26 Eight days later, his disciples were again in the room. This time Thomas was with them. Jesus came through the locked doors, stood among them, and said, "Peace to you."

    27 Then he focused his attention on Thomas. "Take your finger and examine my hands. Take your hand and stick it in my side. Don't be unbelieving. Believe."

    28 Thomas said, "My Master! My God!"

    29 Jesus said, "So, you believe because you've seen with your own eyes. Even better blessings are in store for those who believe without seeing."

    30 -31 Jesus provided far more God-revealing signs than are written down in this book. These are written down so you will believe that Jesus is the Messiah, the Son of God, and in the act of believing, have real and eternal life in the way he personally revealed it. MSG


  • The Almighty Homer
    The Almighty Homer

    Not entirely, many ex-jws go on to other faiths or leave with a varied belief in the bible for what its suppose to be.

    Like myself for example, I was a born in who was there and around the 1975 debacle, when I realized something wasn't right

    I went worth exploring other avenues of Christianity, unfortunately all I could fine though were other organized corrupt dogmas .

    I eventual evolved into a atheistic/humanist since then and I'm quite happy living the free life of knowledge and understanding of the human condition.

    There are others though like Johnathan DOH ! the god of spam, who hasn't yet awoken from his delusional aspirations of spirituality .

  • DubR

    Jonathan dough is always yelling that someone is Anti-Christ if they dont believe in the man made and stupid Bible anymore. If im Anti-Christ then im Anti-unicorn, Anti-Super Heroes, Anti-Bugs Bunny, Anti-Get Rich Quick Schemes, Anti-Pigs Fly..... Basically take away the anti and put "I dont believe in" because atheist are not against Christ, they just dont believe in the only man made document that speaks about him! But yea im 100% with you Sinis. South Park should do a episode on Christianity & The Bible like they did on the Mormons. Dumb dumb dumb dumb dumb!!!

  • lovelylil2


    I have just 2 Q's for you if you don't mind;

    Are you saying you do not believe there is both good and evil in this world?

    If there is good and evil, how did man first come to know the difference?

    Thanks, Lilly

  • jonathan dough
    jonathan dough

    29 Jesus said, "So, you believe because you've seen with your own eyes. Even better blessings are in store for those who believe without seeing."

    30 -31 Jesus provided far more God-revealing signs than are written down in this book. These are written down so you will believe that Jesus is the Messiah, the Son of God, and in the act of believing, have real and eternal life in the way he personally revealed it. MSG



    You're ignoring the nature of the hypostatic union that is Christ and all of the proof texts that Jesus was, and is, God. He is fully God and fully man. You must read verse in light of all Scripture touching on the subject.


  • snowbird
    He is fully God and fully man.

    To be sure; I just don't believe He's the second person of a triune Godhead.


  • sinis


    I have just 2 Q's for you if you don't mind;

    Are you saying you do not believe there is both good and evil in this world?

    If there is good and evil, how did man first come to know the difference?

    Thanks, Lilly

    You assume that the Genesis account is the only means where which man experienced "good / evil". Yet, the Genesis account is not accurate, given the Bible chronology since man-made structures the world over have been dated, not only physically but utilizing the stars (astronomy) as in the case of the Great Pyramids mirroring the constellation Orion ~10,000 BCE.

    Good cannot exist without evil and vice versa. Good / Evil are relative terms.

    Good and evil are dependent upon one another for their semiotic significance. In other words, good would have no meaning because its contents would be inexhaustible without a subsidiary term, evil, with which to limit all that is good by offering a negation of 'good.' So, we can say that this constitutes a binary opposition where the terms are mutually dependent upon one another. Good cannot have meaning without evil and evil cannot possess a sense without its opposite, good.

  • Mad Sweeney
    Mad Sweeney

    Religion fills a psychological need people have. That's the logic. A philosopher (Dostoevsky maybe?) said, "if there were no god, man would have invented him." (or something to that effect)

    Religion fills the needs of those lusting for power and those needing to be overruled. It is the free man with the free mind who doesn't perceive its worth to those ensnared by it.

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