The annointed/elect AND holy spirit

by EndofMysteries 28 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • mrsjones5

    *snicker* I don't either

  • isaacaustin

    lol lol lol rofl

  • VoidEater

    The parable of the vineyard workers is about the WTS

    I find no reason to think that parables (teaching tools for the present) have anything at all to do with prophecy (foretlling the future, describing future events, applying to "classes" of people...).

    That is, the law is removed from them and they are no longer subject to the law

    Jesus' sacrifice did that. For everyone.

    How does an anointed know he is anointed?

    Through inner knwoledge, conviction, or gnosis.

    How do the non-anointed recognize him as one truly anointed, instead of someone who thinks too much of himself?

    Impossible to prove.

    And, do the anointed ever feel that they might lose their anointment after all?

    I knew of a case where someone claimed to be anointed and then decided they had made a mistake and weren't anointed after all. They had already partaken fo the emblems, so they were reproved for their pride.

    Have you seen what appears to be 2 different groups of annointed?


  • dgp

    If I have understood correctly so far, the "generation that would never pass away" consists of the anointed. So, the fact that these guys were old was seriously taken as proof that "the time left is reduced". But then, if anyone can claim to be one of the anointed, what this means is that the visible sign of everthing JW rests on a few people feeling they have a special calling. And who can prevent a 12 year old from feeling he has a speciall calling? Where does that leave the religion?

    Sorry, this is a very big hole in the WT theory. I am of the anointed because I claim to be one of the anointed, and that's enough proof.

  • Larsinger58

    I find no reason to think that parables (teaching tools for the present) have anything at all to do with prophecy (foretlling the future, describing future events, applying to "classes" of people...).

    Yes, for more of the non-elect, they are made to look like parables with a moral meaning. But you can tell by the detailed context when it is prophetic. For instance, the prodigal son parable is very basic, about forgiveness of those who turn around. But what's with the faithful older brother? What does his murmuring mean? And what is symbolized by his being outside the banquet and the father coming out to him to reassure him that "what is mine is yours"? This suggests a prophetic fulfillment and that the older brother represents some future group in relation to the younger brother messiah group.

    When it breaks down, it shows there is a public group and a private group that do not mix but who are both approved. The older brother is not cast off. He did his duty and was faithful. He just can't figure out why his more sinful younger brother got to be the messiah and not him. And maybe rightfully so.

    So you can close your eyes to the meaning if you want and pretend there is nothing there. Or you can explore what it could mean, leaving the option that it really doesn't mean anything. If you do explore it, it is clear the prodigal son would be the messiah since the banquet is linked to the secret "kingdom of the heavens" in other prables, the wedding feast.

    This also shows that some will reject the messiah and God won't hold it against them, because it is rather startling to choose the younger brother over the older one.

    But anyway, since the elect who are part of the banquet are the ones who need this understanding, those outside won't particularly understand or benefit so it doesn't matter if they think this is just a parable about the moral of forgiveness, or at least content themselves with that presumption. Those who know better and understand the prophetic aspect understand it is specifically for them.

    Remember, the five foolish virgins are the ones who don't look past the oil in their own lamps, but the five wise virgins look into these extra things, like chronology and prophetic parables and prophetic numeric patterns like the jubilee cycles, many things others like to look over and consider insignificant. But the extra oil made all the difference as far as getting into the kingdom on time.


  • Larsinger58

    Does anyone really care? I don't.

    Hmmm, reminds me of the five foolish virgins who didn't care about the extra oil and the five wise virgins who cared deeply about the extra oil.

    Which group got into the kingdom? One must exert themselves vigorously to get into the kingdom. The lazy and apathetic don't get there in time.


  • EndofMysteries

    Larsinger58, I'm gonna message you w/ my email. A lot of what you understand or have got is very close to a lot of what I've been getting. Want to compare some notes if your interested.

  • cameo-d

    They are "annointed" because they will come forward soon and arrogantly tell you how much smarter they are than you and that is what gives them the right to rule over you in the new system.

    None of them are JWs. You have been misled once again.

    The "annointed" are the very ones who have helped put the systems of manipulation in place----religion and governments. They are the Capstone Group. The annointing oil is for the Head.

    The "elect" are the ones who have spirit of Jesus.

    Yes, they are two different groups.

  • dgp

    If Jehovah won't even consider the fornication among the "anointed" or the "elect", Can I get anointed, please?

  • AllTimeJeff

    This is old JW mentality and think, looking at scriptures and calling them "prophecies" and "prophetic" when all they are are verses about the misc thoughts of a Jewish religious teacher.

    Where's the prophecy? (I am not asking for an answer, that is a rhetorical question) There is none.

    I guess if you got the holy spirit, then you would be the only one who could know. Impossible to verify of course......

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