No natural affection? Jehovahs Witnesses fulfill this scripture

by jambon1 17 Replies latest jw friends

  • jambon1

    Anyone who can turn their back on their flesh & blood sons and daughters, mothers and fathers fulfill this prophecy perfectly.

    People who do this are utterly unloving & cruel. It has lead thousands of people to feel issolated, alone & in many cases suicidal. How can such a thing originate with god?

    I'm no psycologist but I suggest that parents who can do this are not mentally right. They must have a screw loose or somehing. To most right thinking people taking such action is simply not an option. But these freaks glorify in it. Wearing it like a badge of honour as if they are actually doing it for god.

    All such people disgust me.

    Have a good look at yourselves. You are fulfilling scripture in all the wrong ways.

  • alanv

    Good point jambon. All I can say in their defence is it really does show how indoctrinated the JWs are. I and many others on this site would probably have done the same thing when we were witnesses. It is a horrible thing to do to people but we all did it, for we thought that was what God wanted.

    Most witnesses are just normal human beings that got caught up in this religon. They are not stupid or retardid just very misguided.

  • carpediem

    alanv - I totally agree with you.

    When I was in it was like a spell had been cast on me. I would have shunned my kids, possibly let them die rather than allow a blood transfusion and many other things alien to those on the outside of this cult. I would stood by it all and felt totally justified that I was serving Jehovah God. It is only now, on the outside with a mind clear of the constant crap it was being fed, that I can see just how wrong and faulty that reasoning is.

    Sadly many others will get caught up in it, and also in other religions equally if not more destructive.

  • iMARX

    Many of my friends can't get over the fact that JWs (my mum) is supposed to put Jehovah before their own family. And the annoying part is, that when family do leave the religion and the JWs shun them, the JWs praise that person and reassure them that they are fulfilling prophecy - which just strengthens their faith!

    It's so annoying!

  • Gordy

    I DA'd in September 2001 , JW wife and two JW daughters have not spoken to me since.

    One daughter got married this year, I was not invited.

    Natural affection? - NO

  • dgp

    I am sorry for the sad situation some of you are in. I am happy for you, however, because you are now free. I believe all of us can say a thing or two that might help a lurker, or a poster, to think about his/her own situation and react.

    So, buddies, in your opinion, what can be done from outside to help people indoctrinated to that degree? When you were witnesses, would there have been something that would really shock you and make you question whether shunning was really right?

  • yellow

    I never agreed with shunning coming into the lie in my late twenties it always seemed barbaric. Grown men and women turning their heads away from you if they were d/f and you saw them in the street. D/F daughters not being allowed to sit in your company, very cruel and the best bit was you never knew what they were D/F for and they hadn,t done anything personally to me. One sis I saw in a health clinic broke down and cried when I saw her. I went to her to give her some comfort. I related to an elder about how disgusting this treatment was breaking down families etc. To my surprise he agreed with me said that he didn,t like sitting on J/C where he had to do it, but they had to keep the cong clean (hogwash) You think if some of the elders didn`t like it they would open their eyes to this harsh treatment and see the org for what it is.

  • cantleave

    Yep - you've all got it to rights.

  • lancelink

    Thank you for this great thought !

    It seems that I have felt and known this for years, but I never "connected the dots" like you did.

  • WTWizard

    When the whole structure of the religion produces dependance on it, that is not loving. They structure it so children depend on their parents long after they should be independent, and then threaten to cut them off if they so much as question a minor point in a washtowel article. (Even if another washtowel article, perhaps one in the Showcase Edition, or an Asleep! article, has the dissident viewpoint.)

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