Do You Expect Sport Heroes To Be Role Models?

by minimus 26 Replies latest jw friends

  • minimus

    With all the hoopla going on over Tiger's indiscretions, are you of the mind that sport's players should be role models?

    I don't. To me, they're only gifted athletes, nothing more.

  • PSacramento

    Athletes are NOT heroes to begin with and at best, the only role models they can be are for those pursuing that same level of athletic excellence.

    No more.

  • Luo bou to
    Luo bou to

    Beats me why their expected to be role models They don't preach morality

  • minimus

    That's agreed upon. It's just ridiculous to think we look up to these people for our moral standards!

  • Finally-Free

    No one should have to be a "role model" for anyone but their own families.

    I don't know what this Tiger Woods "scandal" is all about because I haven't been interested enough to pay attention to it. I'm assuming it's a sex scandal. That's what usually gets losers all riled up. I can't imagine being so bored that I had nothing better to do with my time than worry about what someone else is doing with their genitals.

    I wish people would get a life.


  • keyser soze
    keyser soze
    at best, the only role models they can be are for those pursuing that same level of athletic excellence.

    Exactly. It's up to parents to help kids distinguish the difference between emulating the standards these "heroes" set in their respective athletic fields, and those in their personal lives. It's okay to act like Charles Barkley on the basketball court, but don't throw people through windows at night clubs.

  • VIII

    I don't think or expect sport heros to be role models.

    Tarzan? Yeah, I thought Tarzan was a great role model. Think about it--he was strong, really buff, could talk to the animals and could survive in the New System. I was enthralled with Tarzan (not so much Jane, she was taking my place as Tarzan's squeeze) and wanted to be like him. I wanted to swing from the vines and talk to the animals. That way, when, after Armageddon of course, I was all ready for Paradise in the New System. The Paradise that Chicago would become of course. Just like the rain forest the Paradise book showed.

    Then I woke up and realized that Nancy Drew was, perhaps, a better role model.

    Do I still dream of Tarzan? Only after a glass or two of wine.


  • JeffT

    Athletes CAN be role models, but they don't have to be, and a lot of the shouldn't be role models. In that sense they're just like everybody else. Jamie Moyer has a foundation to help children, Steve Larget did a lot for kids with Spina Bifida (after one of his children was born with it). It is great to see some of these people that essentially say "I'm having a great life, I need to help others." They can be pointed as an example of what others could do. Too many more do what any twenty-three year old with ten million dollars would do. I'm not blaming them, I would have partied like mad too.

    I do not care what Tiger Woods did, or to whom.

  • beksbks

    Hey! Ned Nickerson is mine! Hands off!

  • PSacramento

    Tarzan swing, tarzan falls, Jane grab tarzan by the balls, now we know why Tarzan goes, " AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHA !!!!!!"

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