Elder won't marry mum because my brother's gay

by iMARX 22 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • asilentone

    FYI, One time I saw Elton John's high rise huge penthouse condo while he was out of town, a female friend show it to me. She knows Elton John personally, but I am not gay at all. LOL! Sorry to highjack the thread little bit since Outlaw mentioned Elton John.

  • GromitSK

    I am a bit surprised that anyone would view a JW elder as anything but homophobic. Like a lot of Christianity-based religions (though it isn't exclusive to Christianity in the least) there is no place for homosexuals in the JWs as far as I recall. Doesn't homophobia come as a package with the whole religion? As an aside; if the person living at home had been hetero but in an unmarried relationship would the elder have reacted the same way I wonder?

  • steve2

    The "lucky" elder has an embarrassment of riches when it comes to refusing to officiate at your mother's wedding. If he's secretly homophobic, he can say it's because your disassociated brother is living in your mother's home - and, of course, the elder is legalistically correct, from the watchtower's stand point.

    Presumably your mother will be marrying a JW man who is okay about living in the same household as a disassociated gay male. Is that correct? What then does he think of the elder's refusal? or is your mother doing all the planning and reacting??

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