Is there any hope for the uneducated Jw's?

by highdose 16 Replies latest jw friends

  • RubaDub

    Of course.

    Just imagine, a new office building being constructed downtown.

    A father takes his son there and watches as the constuction continues.

    He then turns to the boy, looks him in the eyes, and says, "Son, some day you will clean that building."

    So yes, there is hope.

    Rub a Dub

  • Wasanelder Once
    Wasanelder Once

    There is a difference between uneducated and uninformed. Inform them and if they want truth they will leave. It's not rocket science. W.Once

  • jonathan dough
    jonathan dough

    Some of the dumbest people I know are PhD smart.

    And some of the wisest never finished high school.

    If someone is "smart" enough to read and believe WT literature and based on that logic join up, they can employ the same smarts to un-join.

    The basics really aren't that complicated. The complication arises when the WTS stuck their dirty little fingers in there and turned everything upside down. Most don't realize it but much of the JW arguments were written by lawyers. Hence the unnecessary complexity.

    Smarts don't get you saved. Grace does, and faith.

  • BluesBrother

    You may expect that the premise of the thread would hold up ie that the low IQ members remain the most loyal and unquestioning.

    In my experience that has not been the case. Some of the best men that I have known have been the elders that I served with some years ago. They had intellect, wit and a love of people and an intuitive psychology of dealing with "the flock" . This had nothing to do with education or the type of work they did, although some were successful in business. These men have all stayed loyal to the core. They either died faithful or remain as retired men and giving all to the faith.

    Why do people quit. Unfortunately, few of the leavers have worked out that it is falsehood. Most leave for emotional rather than intellectual reasons.They fall for a new man or woman, they drift into smoking or something that their heart leads them to do. If they fade, it is more due to boredom and the attractions of working overtime, than a planned exit.

    So no, it is not in my view the "unlettered and ordinary" who remain most steadfast ...I think it demands a reasoning view to force yourself to study all the stuff , because you believe that a greater reward will be yours in the long run.

  • The Almighty Homer
    The Almighty Homer

    If people want to open their minds to new information then there is always the possibility of realizing what is fact and what is reality.

    Closed mindlessness occurs mostly in people who have been controlled in the information that they have received,

    much like the JWS organization and many other religious organizations. Its quite a interesting anomaly to have a group

    of people unite themselves in nothing more that stupid human ignorance and support that ignorance vigorously

    but this suits certain people, it essentially brings a confidence building identity as a group think, rather

    than a separate identity. Education is seen as a threat to the leaders of these

    kinds of organizations, even though these select leaders take advantage of all the necessary medical advancements to keep

    themselves a live. This goes also to many elderly devout JWS who most likely would be dead today if not taking or

    making use of these medical advancements. Its both a exploitation and a hypocrisy.

    Being a JW is a mind trap in the purest form, which in itself retards intellectual growth and advancement.

  • straightshooter

    Its a miracle to come to an accurate understanding. If you would have asked me if I would be a jw before I started reading their literature, I would have replied, "Hell No. Not that crazy religion". After I was active as a jw and if you have asked me if the WTS was ever wrong, I would have replied, "No, all non-jw are wrong!" Now I realize that the WTS is wrong in many areas.

    So why the difference in understanding at different periods of my life? God must have let me see things differently at different times.

  • The Almighty Homer
    The Almighty Homer

    Designed and controlled information is how organizations maintain their strength and power over others.

    Without these controls they risk losing support and as is the case with the JWS leadership, a lifestyle and living, which can not be

    over looked.

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