"True Christians Give Out of Love"

by dig692 11 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • dig692

    In the congregation bible study for the week of Nov 30, the subject of Christmas is studied (along with Easter, Birthdays, and Halloween), but under the subheading related to Christmas being a pagan holiday, Jesus not being born on Dec 25, yadda yadda, the point is brought out that true christians give out of love, not out of compulsion or on any specific day (not the exact quote mind you)

    True christians give out of love...so all the "bad" christians who give presents to family and friends and loved ones on Christmas don't do so because they love those to whom they give gifts, but rather because they have to...because its Dec 25...?

    Really? Is this the kind of tactic the WTS has employed to maintain control of their followers? Actually implying that only THEY give gifts out of love, that the billions of other people on this earth that give each other gifts do it only because its "that time of year"?!!!!!

  • LostGeneration

    Pretty much. Only they understand the bible. Only they "love". Why would it be any different with giving presents.

    Oh, I was given about 3 surprise presents total in the 18 years living under my parents roof. Can't u feel the love...

  • White Dove
    White Dove

    Witnesses don't give gifts except on special days, like bridal showers, weddings, graduations, baby showers, retirement parties, and anniversaries. Sooo...no compulsion there, nooooo.

    My parents had two gift days for no reason at all for just us 4. My sister and I each got graduation parties. I got two baby showers and about 2 anniversary parties.

    If you add up how much the world cares about giving, mine were peanuts in comparison. My friends were always getting something and showing them off at school. They shared their candy with me sometimes out of pity.

    I'm glad that I don't need to explain here that I wasn't being selfish in saying these things. Out of my whole life, my sister and I got 2 gift days before we were of age.

    Those presents were mostly geared to the whole family, like Parker Brother games.

    The other stuff was gleaned from garage sales when we asked her to get it for us, if she had the money for it (so she says).

    "Here." That was how other things were given, unwrapped and by request at the time at a garage sale for .50 cents here and another .25 cents there.

    And don't get me started on garage sale school clothes with stains and paint on them.

  • White Dove
    White Dove


    That is just an excuse to make sure that everyone's money goes into the WWW box instead of under trees and into socks.

  • Opus92

    My mother never really gave me "just because" presents. My grandparents did... on major holidays.

  • carpediem

    That as per, is just JW propaganda. Most of the jws in my old cong had a 'present day' - one special day a year to show love to family members. So what is the difference between that and doing it at Christmas? Same spin, different date.

  • White Dove
    White Dove

    Our gift day happened in summer. Poor JW kids, and adults, for that matter. Can't show love on those holidays and didn't show love any other time. No wonder moral is so low there.

  • dig692

    Lost Generation - and here I thought that they actually gave their kids MORE presents than non-jw families to make up for missing the holidays. Ha! That's what they advertise, not what they follow through on.

    Witnesses don't give gifts except on special days, like bridal showers, weddings, graduations, baby showers, retirement parties,

    and anniversaries. Sooo...no compulsion there, nooooo.

    that is an excellent point White Dove. I'm using that one next time I get in a discussion about the subject of gift giving. I'd like to see them worm their way out of that one.

  • WTWizard

    The witlesses are generally stingy with giving gifts. Most parents give little to their children, with most of it going to the Worldwide Pedophile Defense Fund instead. I have seen the effects of this myself.

    Not only that, but the hounders really do not like it when people give to others at the Kingdumb Hell. I remember trying on a few occasions, only to have the hounders custom make rules against it (and, those children received those items right in front of their parents). I do remember a family that I sat with at a Grand Boasting Session that had little, so I made a special trip to get something the children could enjoy. On another occasion, I used the REJECT Jesus Party to give someone some music, a tape Walkman, and some batteries (hidden from Brother Hounder, so he couldn't make a rule against it). But, generally people are quite stingy with giving gifts to children at the Kingdumb Hell.

    Once I got in Satan's world, I saw one of my co-workers going through a genuine hardship (a breakup with getting forced on the street, with a risk of getting forced back in with parents). At which point I went to another store, spent $2.79 on a sympathy card and put $5 in that card, and gave that to this person unexpectedly. Which I think was a much better way to spend $7.79 than wasting it on the Worldwide Pedophile Defense Fund. Try that at the Kingdumb Hell and see if Brother Hounder is going to haul you into the back room for a hounding.

  • PSacramento

    Giving out of love means giving with no notion of recompense, of getting anythign back in return.

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