Family Worship -- a page at the end of 10/15/09 WT

by sd-7 20 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • sd-7

    In reading this short article, oooooh, let's just post some quotes:

    Page 32, paragraph 1:

    "Last year, the Governing Body announced an adjustment to the congregation meeting schedule that allows more time for Bible study and discussion as a family."

    The Governing Body, as we see here, is the one who decides what we are ALLOWED to use our time for. Maybe I'm leaning too hard on 'em. They have been so faithful in discharging their duties in fulfillment of a parable that is not at all a prophecy.

    Paragraph 2:

    "Many have expressed appreciated for the arrangement of having a Family Worship evening. For example, Keven, an elder, wrote: "The words 'thank you' are not strong enough to express how we in the congregation feel. As elders, we have discussed how we use the free night to do exactly as the Governing Body has asked--to study with our families.""

    The frank use of that phrase, "do exactly as the Governing Body has asked", to me seems troubling. As if it should be done simply because they asked for it to be done. If the Governing Body asked families to go out and kill apostates one night a week, I guess they'd do exactly as the Governing Body asked then, too.

    The particularly odd thing about this is, I remember having family worship long before this near-mandate was issued--decades ago, in fact. We didn't need anyone to tell us in capital letters (Family Worship) that we ought to worship God as a family, at home. Jesus made clear that worship was not to be bound to some religious structure anyway--all we'd need was two people, and there he is in our midst.

    How much time, exactly, did the Governing Body actually provide for this purpose? They sucked half an hour off the Book Study, half an hour off the TMS/SM altogether, and 15 minutes from the PT. Because they smashed the Book Study onto the same night as everything else, they're to be applauded, we're to come with gratitude? The load hasn't really lightened very much, save that we don't have to leave the house but twice a week, but we still have to study just as hard for all the meetings and do at least 10 hours of field service. So why do they act like they parted the Red Sea or something?

    Paragraph 4:

    "This new arrangement is a gift from Jehovah that spiritually refreshes us--if we use the time in the way we are supposed to."

    I've heard these experiences are contrived, but this one really does sound like it. Almost as if this random pioneer couple is threatening us worldwide--yeah, we BETTER have that Family Worship night. Refreshment comes from a noticeable lightening of one's yoke, doesn't it? I didn't notice it being any lighter.

    Of particular note is that it took until paragraph 4 to mention Jehovah, whereas the Governing Body had already been mentioned twice and praised and thanked. At a certain point, we can expect that Jehovah may be ousted from the picture altogether. Jesus has already been marginalized and his words revised as needed. Okay, maybe not. That's a little extreme.

    Well...I've said enough. Fire away.


  • sd-7

    Typo's! Throw "Kevin" and "appreciation" in there, and you're good to go...


  • snowbird



  • Emma

    I think Keven/Kevin is a figment of their imagination. Can you believe any adult would write such drivel, especially an elder who should have been having "family study" with his family long before the new arrangement? And they make it sound so desperate!

    We "always" had a family study according to my ex's time slip (and we all know how accurate those things are!).

  • blondie

    The WTS has "encouraged" parents to hold individual bible studies with their children for years. I really don't see that this is new but additional "encouragement." Few parents had studies with their children in my area, including my own family.

    *** w07 9/1 p. 28 pars. 10-11 Teach Your Children to Love Jehovah ***Some may wonder, though, ‘Why do children need a family study if their parents regularly take them to congregation meetings?’ There are several good reasons. Jehovah entrusts parents with the primary responsibility to teach their children. (Proverbs 1:8; Ephesians 6:4) Family Bible study teaches children that worship is, not a formal ritual observed only in public, but part of the family’s private life.—Deuteronomy 6:6-9.


    w56 5/1 p. 282 par. 10 Your Personal Study


    children in the discipline and authoritative advice of Jehovah, may find it advantageous to do this studying as a family group. Ample opportunity is afforded for such study in a family consideration of the daily Bible text, study of TheWatchtower and discussion of the Awake! articles, preparation for the congregational meetings and in regular consecutive reading of the Bible itself. The father, who is not only a material breadwinner for the household but also looks after their spiritual growth, should organize such study and then see that the schedule is followed.


    w62 4/1 p. 205 par. 16 The Family Circle in These Last Days


    The father as head is conscious of the family’s spiritual needs. One or more times each week a family Bible study is regularly held.


    w62 8/1 p. 458 par. 10 Building a Happy Family


    Additionally, an essential part of a Christian father’s responsibility is to provide for a regular period of systematic Bible study with his family


    w64 8/15 p. 493 par. 14 The Identifying Mark of Love


    How can a Christian husband and father see to the spiritual needs of his wife and family? One way is by arranging and applying a reasonable, workable schedule for family study


    w66 5/15 p. 296 par. 12 Keeping Your Balance with Many Responsibilities


    So he views his family as his principal obligation. He cares for many things, teaches his family how to study, conducts a family Bible study,


  • Pistoff

    When they ditched the bookstudy, they implied that it was due to concerns over rising fuel costs.

    Now they imply it is a direction from God himself, and that we must use the time to "worship", which in their lingo as it applies to this time frame means study WT publications.

    I talked to someone I knew from my teenage years on yesterday; he told me he took early retirement in 1999 at a 20% discount so he could pioneer. He is having a harder time financially now, but said "we are learning how to live within our means" and then added:

    "Just like the Branch has been encouraging us to do, Keep it Simple"

    The branch; shorthand for WT, for Bethel, for society, faithful slave? I guess.

    He is a decent guy, but company man through and through.

  • cantleave

    Blondie, it is different to family study. Family worship may include a study but in addition the family should be preparing FS presentations, discussing potential issues which may arise in school or secular activities, doing additional research on random topics (our last CO visit included looking at things like the modern history of God's organisation - I did this but but on the internet and NOT the proclaimers book - haha).

    After you have the sent the kids to bed, parents should be using the evening to discuss other spiritual matters. I know this hasn't come directly from the GB, but our CO indicated in our Elders meeting, that a family could quite easily spend 4 hours on a Thursday night on spiritual activities. NOTE: That does not include meeting preparation or personal study, that's what Monday is for.

    No this is NOT just family study, it is a full evening of theocraptic activity. Essential to prevent us from being zapped by the almighty at Armageddon.

  • sd-7

    our CO indicated in our Elders meeting, that a family could quite easily spend 4 hours on a Thursday night on spiritual activities.

    No this is NOT just family study, it is a full evening of theocraptic activity.

    They call that refreshing? They clearly ADDED to our load, then! They really are insane.


  • zombie dub
    zombie dub
    that a family could quite easily spend 4 hours on a Thursday night on spiritual activities. NOTE: That does not include meeting preparation or personal study, that's what Monday is for.

    wow, when are you meant to go shopping? clean? cook? iron? gardening? f*ck? do anything? definitely no time to do any relaxing in all that - no wonder there is so much depression!

  • straightshooter

    By not shopping or traveling to a meeting, this Family Study night will save time in travel and money from gas.

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