Do you ever feel anxious..for no reason.

by lisavegas420 17 Replies latest jw friends

  • jamiebowers

    Maybe you're just feeling homesick. When I worked outside the home, I used to really feel anxious every Monday morning and after holidays and vacation time. When you work full time, you're away from home more than you're there. I used to hate that, because we have a very comfortable, happy home.

  • Satanus


    '"Shutting down" or covering up with substance abuse is childish and doesn't addresss the issue your emotions are trying to tell you about.'

    I guess all those people on medications for psychoses, depression, bipolar, add, schizophrenia, etc are all being childish. Marijuana is no different than the other drugs, except that it is generally self prescribed. I guess that bypassing the medical 'priesthood' is a sin, eh perry. Shame on people for taking their own health into their own hands, and taking money away from the huge drug companies.

    Secondarily, mj can be used in a way that it does not cover up or mask emotions. Rather, if used in a disciplined way it can help a person to get into problem emotions and often reach their roots. It has been shown that psychedelics are very useful in psychotherapy, before it was illegalised.


  • DubR

    Hi, try clonazepam (klonopin). that med was a life saver for me!! pm if you need more info

  • Casper

    Yes I do... since leaving the witnesses, I find I still have a sense of "Waiting" on something.

    What, I don't know, it's sort of like... a feeling of impending doom. I guess that comes from the constant mantra of being told the end is coming.

    It's been 11 years for me and I still find myself tense and edgy sometimes for no reason other than a feeling of waiting for the other shoe to drop. Who knows if it will ever completely go away.

    I hate that some of us have to deal with these after effects.

  • snowbird

    I do - especially on Mondays.


  • AnnOMaly

    I think I'm between these two.

    Social anxiety disorder: Also called social phobia, social anxiety disorder involves overwhelming worry and self-consciousness about everyday social situations. The worry often centers on a fear of being judged by others, or behaving in a way that might cause embarrassment or lead to ridicule.

    Generalized anxiety disorder: This disorder involves excessive, unrealistic worry and tension, even if there is little or nothing to provoke the anxiety.

    I've had those all my life - especially as a kid. Oh as a kid it was excruciating. The 'disorder' manifests itself less so now, despite being in the cage I'm in, but at least when it hits I know what it is and usually (eventually) can identify the 'why.'

  • highdose

    its called the mean reds ( Truman capote, Breakfast at tiffanys) the cure is to go to tiffanys aparently

  • lisavegas420

    Thank you all for the encouragement. I made it, nothing embarrassing, or terrible happened. I really have a great life, so when the anxiety comes over me, it's like someone just walked up and slapped me in the face. I don't know what to do....just a strange whirlwind of emotions.

    The following got me though the week. When the feelings started, I would call my daughter or husband and chat for a minute......, I texted, "I love you" to my son, and he texted right, back...."love you too". I left funny messages on neighbors farms @ farmville. I came here and I checked in on all here. I took an ativan. I partook of, you know. I don't know if it was just one thing, or a combo of things, but the weekend came, the feelings passed. Thank you for listening, um..reading.

    (((love you all))))


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