Do you love yourself?

by Newborn 21 Replies latest jw friends

  • White Dove
    White Dove

    Yes, finally! I can say I really love myself because I no longer get frustrated with myself for not doing enough or just simply BEING enough to please others. Instead, I prefer others to please me in that I expect others to treat me decently or they don't get a place in my life. Now, I'm the one who chooses who can stay and who can go in and out of my life. I have control over it like I never did before.

  • chickpea

    my kids cannot believe
    i can take a 5 hr drive
    and not have the radio
    or a CD playing....

    my answer to them is this:
    i enjoy my own company...
    if i have the time and the quiet
    i will sit for hours just thinking....
    problem solving, review of information
    that i found compelling.... just stream
    of consciousness that entertains me immensely

    i think i am very satisfied with
    the direction i am headed and
    i am gonna say: yep, i love me

  • Newborn

    Do you have any idea what he's gonna do in there???

    Nope and I don't think I want to know

  • Newborn

    you made me special - yes Aussie, you're very special

    RR - ??

    chickpea & white dove -

  • Edington

    I'm still trying to like myself.

    I appreciate now not having to compare myself with what other 'super' JW's call 'giving their all' to Jehovah the Borg'


  • fokyc

    I do now.

    It's strange I managed to hold down very good jobs in my life, I have a very good standard of living.

    But in the KH and anything to do with the so called 'truth', I was always made to feel totally inadequate and just like 'horse manure'.

    I was never qualified to do anything, when I went out on the service an elder told me that the brother & sister I went with were not good for me, when I asked to go out with the elders; they were too busy or had to look after their own families. If they did make any time they either din't turn up or called at the last minute that they couldn't make it.

    I love me and most others here on the forum.

    I despise 'the truth' and the Watchtower organisation.


  • Newborn

    Edington - good luck!

    Fokyc -

  • John Doe
    John Doe

    Newborn--where you been?

  • frankiespeakin

    I get along with myself and I don't hate myself, I try to understand myself, I don't know for sure but I probably love myself, all though I don't spend that much time looking at myself in the mirror, I do like to pleasure myself.

  • Found Sheep
    Found Sheep

    I told an elder... long story... that was trying to help me this... That I am now happy I love myself for the first time and i now know Jehovah loves me... so that is why I'm not going back!!! Yes it is a great empowering feeling to not feel beat up, judged, looked down on!!!

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