NOW how do you view the Future?

by theMadJW 149 Replies latest jw friends

  • SweetBabyCheezits
    Seen "Deviloution" at our site?

    I tried to visit your site but my company has a bullshit filter on the network that keeps blocking it.

  • theMadJW

    Maybe that's GOOD; you may end up despising me when you read it!

  • theMadJW

    The Bible is a Subject on its OWN, SBC- thought we were talkin' Evoluition.

    However, now that you bring it up- does the origin of man seem to you more likely endless accidents (no intelligent Maker), or design (altho CHURCHianity sure has befouled that word, too, with their 72 hour Creation, and man living with the dinosaurs!)

  • SweetBabyCheezits

    Both concepts are equally beyond my comprehension at this point. That said, I've given creation its fair share of face time. Now I'm turning my attention to science and evolution. As it stands, I suspect I'll end up on evolution side of the fence (thought I would not rule out the alternative). Why do I see myself headed that way?

    With each fundamentalist website or video I see -- for example the ones asserting the 6000 yr old universe concept or the ones where they get the holy ghost - the farther I move from believing in a divine being. It shows me how gullible and self-deluded people can be when it comes to faith and, with religion, it's a continuous pattern of prejudice that precludes critical thinking. Not all religious folks do this to the same degree. But religion is based on faith which, to me, gets used far to liberally. I don't see a methodical approach to analyzing doctrine, I see inconsistency and double standards. I left that shit behind when I walked out of the KH. When I left, my goal was to find unbiased truth - at least that which is knowable.

    So I'm drawn to the scientific method due to the rigorous scrutiny a theory must undergo to be accepted by the scientific community. Peer review is another means used to eliminate bias and search for holes in theories. If you studied that alone I think you'd realize how embarrasing it is when undereducated people (or even educated) laugh off science as if to say, "Well, I'm smartur than yuuu scienTISTs. Everbuddy knows u cain't make life from a pot of soup or a rock! Stoopids!" But then those same people turn around use all of the technological advancements that are possible because of SCIENCE. If you can't currently conceive the technology used to build a CPU and argue about it with a computer scientist what makes you think you can so easily argue with a growing community of evolutionary biologists who've poured their lives into a study of evolution? I'm arrogant but not THAT arrogant. Understanding our own ignorance is a big step.

    The same scientific method that was used to discover the physical laws of the universe to put man on the moon is also the scientific method that was used to discover the theory of evolution. Why, then, do some hastily discredit science but accept that god just made Adam from dirt and Eve from a rib?

    Now that I've said all this, I feel bad for coming down hard on you earlier. I just read your experience on your personal thread. I'll say what I've said before: I don't think JWs are all idiots. That includes you. My father and brother are both incredibly intelligent and I consider them like this guy said...

    “The great trouble with religion — any religion — is that a religionist, having accepted certain propositions by faith, cannot thereafter judge those propositions by evidence. One may bask at the warm fire of faith or choose to live in the bleak uncertainty of reason — but one cannot have both.” -Heinlein

    This beer's on me, MJW.

  • SweetBabyCheezits

    To clear up common misconceptions about science and evolution....

  • theMadJW

    It doesn't really matter if you separate fact from theory and coprolite.

    Simply because a scientist says something's a "fact" doesn't MAKE it so; there is dishonesty in EVERY field!

    Please let me know what you discover, my friend!

    [email protected] (IM, also)

  • HintOfLime
    It doesn't really matter if you separate fact from theory and coprolite.
    Simply because a scientist says something's a "fact" doesn't MAKE it so; there is dishonesty in EVERY field!

    That is true. Just because a scientist says something does not make it fact.

    If however the body of science through peer review agree and accept a theory, it would be foolish to dismiss that theory without serious study and consideration because of cherished pre-conceived ideas about the universe, fear, incomplete information, or how you emotionally feel about the theory.

    Likewise, if a religious organization says something, that certainly does not make it fact. Nor if a man-made book says something, that doesn't make it fact either (1 Kings 7:23).

    Oh, and thanks for the videos, SweetBabyCheezits, I like that guy's style of breaking things down his argument into clear, simple bits.

    - Lime

  • theMadJW

    For ONCE we agree, Lime...

  • HintOfLime
    For ONCE we agree, Lime...

    Lol, Just don't let it happen again.

    - Lime

  • theMadJW

    I try SO hard not to!

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