our KH (worth half a million ££) is to be sold

by quietlyleaving 40 Replies latest jw friends

  • designs

    You will now listen to my voice........make the check out to WTBTS.........


  • quietlyleaving

    You will now listen to my voice........make the check out to WTBTS.........


  • Think About It
    Think About It

    Going to mega-KH's is a complete about-face from when I left the org. Back then they were promoting the expansion of individual congs. Sounds like the WTS is pulling back and reinforcing. Might help keep more in.

    Think About It

  • designs

    I think they've seen the appeal of the Mega Church- experiential and power in numbers, plus you don't get to ask a lot of questions you are just expected to go with the flow.....

  • yknot
    update - heard this week that the whole deal has fallen apart. I don't know the reason, I think probably a combination of factors but 2 months ago it was pretty definite that our hall was going to be sold and this new lease taken up.

    So I take it the grant fell through? (JW translation- Satan's opposition)

    I hate mega-halls.......(umm resurrection centers)

  • moshe

    Interesting story- all the publishers who donated land to build KH's 30-40-50 years ago, should have kept title to the land and given the local congregation a 50 year land lease instead- or property rights that returned to them or their heirs, if the KH was ever closed or disolved.

  • zagor

    As far as I know halls are actually owned by WTBS and not individual congregations. Which is rather funny set up. I remember years ago when congregation I was a part of needed to do some restoration work. If my memory serves me right there was also another congregation that needed money to build hall from ground up. So they borrowed money from "the society" at interest of course. And once money has been paid back who do you think owned the hall? WTBS again. There is no such a fail-proof set up anywhere in the world. Imagine borrowing money from the bank to build the house. You spend all you free time in building it, you spend years returning money to the bank and then in the end when its all paid out bank is still legitimate owner of the property.

  • core

    Around 10 years ago all English and Welsh (Scotland was slightly different as is there law) had to vote to approve a "model constitution"

    Buried in that was provision that if cong disbanded funds would head south to the Branch Office

    As these funds were not what Charity Commission calls "Restricted" (for a certain purpose only) then in theory they could be sent on anywhere.

  • quietlyleaving
    update - heard this week that the whole deal has fallen apart. I don't know the reason, I think probably a combination of factors but 2 months ago it was pretty definite that our hall was going to be sold and this new lease taken up.

    So I take it the grant fell through? (JW translation- Satan's opposition)

    I hate mega-halls.......(umm resurrection centers)


    at the moment the government is backing charities to boost morale in the community so it is quite likely that JWs would have won their grant and especially so as they had a neutral negotiator on board.

    My own speculation is that at some point the proposal would have had to have been put to the tenants association of the block (as the premises the WTS was interested in was beneath a housing block). If this was put to them for a yea or nay then I can well imagine the tenants being horrified at the prospect of truckloads of Jehovahs witnesses arriving at the weekends for their meetings and also every weekday evening (15 congregations per week!). No sane tenant would put up with this imo. Rather than regenerating the neighbourhood it would have been more like invading the neighbourhood!

  • TardNFeatheredJW
    But personally I'd like to see local JWs asking detailed questions about how their money will be spent

    I did this at the final meeting I attended. I was reprimanded directly from the platform during a Q&A when they were asking for additional donations to assist in the building efforts. I was told how much moeny they already had and how much they actually needed were none of my business and that I should just give. WOW! That was enough BS for me, I stopped attending immediately. Money grubbing leaches.

    But then many jws make money at the expense of other jws in their congregation, hiring jws, etc. Not always doing business fairly. But as to dipping directly into the monies paid to these corporations, no.

    Oh my. The stories of dirty business, fraud, scams, and ripoffs I've seen. I like the stories of embezzlement where the elder ripping off the treasury at the hall gets away without jail time because they want the appearance of a pure religious order.

    But when Mother wants the money, Mother gets it.

    Mother always gets what she wants.

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