by whereami 33 Replies latest jw friends

  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    Wallen: "Why would we want to deceive them?"

    Billy: "Well Bob, if you were to admit that Jerusalem's 607 & the 1914 invisible presence were all a crock, that the ban of blood causing the needless deaths of thousands was a wrong understanding, that the practice of disfellowshipping and shunning were unscriptural, and that the other sheep, FDS, and GB were all deceptions, what would happen? We both know that you and your wife Lorraine, would be out of Bethel with no prestige, honor, or money. Everything would be gone. Why would you want to deceive the sheeples? Its all about power and money, Bob."

    In response to the title of the thread, I can assure everyone that this apostate says that the GB has nothing to offer. Been there, seen that.

  • AllTimeJeff

    Bob Wallen is permanently attached to the nipple of the GB. If that sounds funny, great. But he is the ultimate company man. He knows what side his bread is buttered on.

  • The Almighty Homer
    The Almighty Homer

    Well said Jeff, I was thinking the same thing.

    What the apostates if you wish to use this term, has to offer is the truth and understanding about this pretentious corrupt religious cult and

    that it was not divinely inspired by anything accept out mens desires for power and money.

    Exposing these fraudsters is a blessing to humanity.

  • Opus92

    We have nothing to offer but honesty about the Witnesses' own true history.

  • Satanus

    Yup, nothing except freedom to offer. Some people can't HANDLE the truth about the truth. That's ok, they can stay there.

    As an apostate, i don't have a mission. I don't have any responsibility to extract jws from their religion. I don't have to be as good as, or better than a jw. Of course, i DO have a lot of info to give if a jw or xjw needs it. I can sort of help them to find their way, if they ask. But, it's THEIR path.


  • AllTimeJeff

    Satanus, some people can't handle freedom, or thinking on their own. That's why cults will always be around, and that is why JW's will slowly die of old age instead of a spectacular crash and burn scandal.

    When the ship is going down, you can only save the people who jumped off.

  • flipper

    Well, yeah, the GB is stupid. What do THEY know ? Bunch of dumb old farts

  • The Almighty Homer
    The Almighty Homer

    Does anyone remember the WT or AW article about the dangers of computers, that they may bring problems to individuals,

    namely Christians because their use would inflict a type of spiritual void on to people who use them ?

    It was back in the mid 80's to late 80's that I read it with disbelief.

    They used a bible parable and quoted a scripture about " who ever builds a tower for himself builds without the blessing of god "

    something to that effect. It had to be the most stupidest article I ever read in a WTS. magazine or otherwise.

    The tower of a typical desktop computer is what they were referring to.

  • The Oracle
    The Oracle

    Nothing except love, kindness, honesty and the real truth.

    I love the power of the internet.

    I love the curiosity of youth

    I love the path of freedom

    The Oracle

  • Luo bou to
    Luo bou to

    The WT misuse a scripture re Peters response to Jesus as they misuse many others to create a false dilemma Peter did not say which Organization shall we go away to but WHOM Cults promote themselves as the way Christians regardless of denomination acknowledge Jesus as the way the truth and the light not their church like the JWs do. For those who become agnostics and atheists I believe your closer to knowing God than the JW's

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