How did Adam sin?

by acolytes 17 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • acolytes

    God presented Adam with a commanment. And he was given the option and told the consequences .

    So Adam chose to die. Where is the sin.

  • blondie

    Define sin.

  • acolytes

    Thanks Blondie

    I mean how can it be said he did anything wrong.

    As to difining sin I believe it is" false thinking". I do not believe Adams thinking was wrong in choosing to die.


  • Chalam

    Define sin.

    Here's a good one

    Main Entry: 1 sin Pronunciation: \ ' sin\ Function: noun Etymology: Middle English sinne, from Old English synn; akin to Old High German sunta sin and probably to Latin sont-, sons guilty, est is — more at is Date: before 12th century

    1 a : an offense against religious or moral law b : an action that is or is felt to be highly reprehensible <it's a sin to waste food> c : an often serious shortcoming : fault
    2 a : transgression of the law of God b : a vitiated state of human nature in which the self is estranged from God

    synonyms see offense

    Blessings, Stephen
  • moomanchu

    I don't think he chose to die. I think he chose to disobey, hoping to not get caught.

    disobedience = sin IMO

    However, I wonder why Adam is not forgiven.

    Jesus's death atoned Adam's sin, thereby atoning our sins.

    Doesn't make sense to me that Adam wouldn't be forgiven.

  • moshe

    This Genesis story is a Jewish metaphor, which tries to explain why some humans don't follow the laws and dictates of their society. Sin is missing the mark. Human society has gotten more advanced and population has grown, consequently, the ways a person can slip up have increased a thousand fold, it seems.

  • AllTimeJeff

    This is a pretty deep subject for me, and not just because of how the Genesis account is used by JW's, but how all Christian churches use it to describe sin.

    The account does after all, introduce "original" sin. That's why it is so overanalyzed.

    For me, the most important element to this allegory is "sin".

    If you took away the idea that our actions result in god being angry and needing pacification, you take away 100% of the authority of any Christian denomination.

    No sin = no religion. No angry god = "don't worry, be happy."

    To me, sin is a control mechanism of organized religion that promotes the idea that mankind is inferior from birth and only the religion of ones birth can possibly redeem our poor, lost souls.

    There is a place for spirituality and religion, don't get me wrong. However, the further that mankind distances itself from guilt inducing, mental illness inspiring concepts like "sin", the better off we all will be.

  • PSacramento


    In regards to the original sin concpet that was "created" from the genesis account, I ahve always viewed it as the "original sin" in this way:

    Adam made a consciosu decision to go against what God had told him, it was the first (original) sin because it was just that, a conscious decsion to "rebel'.

    Sin is not somethign we do and don't knwo any better, Sin is when we do what is "wrong" even though we KNOW it to be wrong.

  • acolytes

    PS acramento

    Adam didnt do what God told him not to do. He did what God said he could do if he accepted the consequences.

    I think his love for Eve and the possibility of life without her, He did what was fully understandable.

    Thanks to everyone else for their informative viewpoints.


  • PSacramento

    God said in genesis:

    16 And the Lord God commanded the man, “You are free to eat from any tree in the garden; 17 but you must not eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, for when you eat of it you will surely die.”

    It was a command to NOT do soemthing, "You must NOT eat..." and it even followed with the consequences of such action.

    He did NOT say Adam could do anything of the sort ( eat), he commanded him not to.

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