i can hear them gloating and it anoys me

by highdose 26 Replies latest jw friends

  • hamsterbait

    Of course the Gofors will be saying you feel the way you do because you have a guilty conscience.


  • Chalam

    Hi HD,

    Proverbs 6:16-19 (New International Version)

    16 There are six things the LORD hates,
    seven that are detestable to him:

    17 haughty eyes,
    a lying tongue,
    hands that shed innocent blood,

    18 a heart that devises wicked schemes,
    feet that are quick to rush into evil,

    19 a false witness who pours out lies
    and a man who stirs up dissension among brothers.

    Of course, remember verse 19 says "witness" but it doesn't mean "Jehovah's Witness" :)



  • cantleave

    Highdose, Hold your head up high because you know their deliverance isn't geeting near.

  • palmtree67

    Why worry about what THEY think of YOU?????

    THEY should be worried about what YOU think of them!!

    Palmtree of the pissed off class

  • White Dove
    White Dove

    That's the crabpot mentality. Once a crab tries to climb out of the pot, other crabs grab onto it and end up pulling it back down with them. (I suspect that those crabs were simply trying to us the escaping crab as a ladder to escape, themselves, but that's not the point here.)

    My frenemies began scoffing at my college career that spanned over the course of 10 years. They only pretended to support me with tiny comments here and there, but the big comments were that I'd be ready for retirement by the time I finished. That is why they are now my frenemies.


    If what they had to say was important..

    You`d be back with them..

    Your not..


    Forget about it..

    .................. ...OUTLAW

  • highdose

    i think what bugs me the most is that all my life i felt like they were trying to force me out, and for that reason i stuck with it, just to spite them, now in a way they have got what they wanted, even though i would never go back............ does this make sense or am i being stupid?

  • Elsewhere

    > i think what bugs me the most is that all my life i felt like they were trying to force me out, and for that reason i stuck with it, just to spite them, now in a way they have got what they wanted, even though i would never go back............ does this make sense or am i being stupid?

    This reminds me of a quote from the book/movie Fight Club: "The ability to let that which does not matter truly slide."

    I frequently remind myself of this.

  • notewe

    Elsewhere...what you just said makes absolute sense to me!! (newbie here)

    My question to highdose is, why would they say that about you? And if you have heard these people talk this way about others, THEY are going against every thing they are taught...and "stand for"!

    Again..newbie here. Searching and hoping I can find some answers here. Never in my wildest dreams did I think I would be here. But I am...never say never! And help?

  • JWinprotest

    Once I stopped being judgmental of other people I found I cared less about how others might be judging me. Basically, I was worried about being judge as much as I, myself, was judging others.

    Very insightful Elsewhere, I think you may have identified my problem as well. I never thought of it this way.

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