Your favorite stuffing/dressing recipe for Turkey

by restrangled 23 Replies latest jw friends

  • LightCloud

    My wife always mean mugs me when she catches me watching Giada on TV as she knows I am not watching her for the cooking.

  • BlackSwan of Memphis
    BlackSwan of Memphis

    beks: re Giada, LOL that's a perfect imitation of her. I have not watched Chiccarelli, but I've read a ton of his stuff online. YES Paula is trying to KILL US.
    Good grief, you don't make a Paula Deen recipe without planning a trip to the ER for dessert. :)

    Alton rocks. :)

    Hey R. I have not made any of the Neely's stuff yet. They make me laugh. :) And yah, I have seriuos doubts too as to creating the RR recipes in a half hour.

  • BizzyBee


    You come about as close to what I plan. I haven't done a big turkey dinner in years, but this years we are having Mr. Bee's tony family from Malibu and Newport Beach, so I have to be on my A-game. Sausage stuffing with pecans - check. Pumpkin and pecan pie from Marie Callendar - check. (Pumpkin roll from Boston being brought by guests - check.) All pretty traditional.

  • RubaDub

    I think Ina is the food taster for the entire staff of Food Network.

    Rub a Dub

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