sex bad! sex bad!!!

by highdose 18 Replies latest jw friends

  • The Almighty Homer
    The Almighty Homer

    If thats true then I did something very bad this morning, don't tell anyone, I'm sorry, truly sorry, will I be forgiven ?

    Now that its been said thats its bad, I'm kind of turned on by all of this .....

    " Marge I'm kind of horny right now can we go up to the bedroom and make love ? "

    ...... " Not now Homey, I'm right in the middle of making dinner "

    Ohhhh..... stupid provocative JWN topics, why do I ever come here !

  • LucyA

    RobDar I know what your thinking! Rememer god doesnt approve you wont get past the bigA

  • dgp

    What about "Be fruitful and multiply?"

  • yellow

    I agree with DaCheech why were we created with this beautiful gift and then deny it to ourselves. Which can make you terribly frustrated.

    Sex when given in a loving relationship is a beautiful thing. When I was a J/W I spent the night with a guy, Feeling overcome with guilt I prayed for forgiveness asking why he had made us like this only to be told it was wrong? I was so overcome with guilt I was sent to the back room only to be d/f for only having normal desires.

  • The Almighty Homer
    The Almighty Homer

    All the recent medical journals say that sex if healthy and does both the mind and body good.

    So I say go ahead and hump away and if you don't have someone to do it with then do it yourself, flog the bishop, shine that pickle, wax that noodle

    or do whatsoever necessary based on what kind of bits and pieces you have.

    Release those endorphins and enjoy.

    Homerovah the Almighty has spoken

  • Joshnaz

    I thought it said BAD SEX! BAD SEX!!!! hahaha

  • cyberjesus

    hey sex is good even out of a loving relationship, honey you dont need to love me lets do it!! :-)

    Anyway... SEX IS REALLY BAD! so bad that johova spent countless hours designing the penis and the vagina so when we desired each other and actually did it we would get disfellowshipped so we would get distructed in Armageddon so it was easy for Jesus to Identify the bad people and save the ones who didnt do it.

    Its that bad that the Elders spent so much time in JCs getting all the detail about how much pleasure we obtained and what we saw and did and how much we enjoyed doing that weird thing called sex.

    The first time I got an erection was reading the Congretation files that my dad left in the bookcase back in the day :-) Im sure it was all pre-arranged by johova and his holly ghost so I could sin later on.

  • LucyA

    Maybe Jehovahs testing us?

    Heres the thinking!

    I know to test my supplicants I will make reproducing incredibly desirable and temping then I'll teach them it's bad and not to do it to test their obedience to me?

  • zagor

    I'm starting to think that witnesses are more aroused than average Jills or a Joes. Amount of time they speak about sex in various context is almost unheard of. They have it in all possible incarnations and colors, sex, fornication, adultry, sex out of wedlock, pre-marital sex....... it goes on and on. Their conscious mind registers more instances of sex references than people see on average TV, while their subconscious mind registers only this , and their hormons respond accordingly.

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