The real harm done by the WTBTS

by HappyGuy 25 Replies latest jw friends

  • Chalam

    Hello designs,

    You'll get there, its a journey, like we have all found.

    I'm not going anywhere. I have been there, and done that for 20 years.

    Looks like you are not going anywhere either.

    Anyhow, feel free, preach away. The preaching most fervent.

    I am interested to know your motives.



  • designs

    Shinning a little light on the Cult of Fundamentalism.......and its dangers.

    You guys came here to convert xjws to your Literalist way of thinking. Well you need to have your beliefs examined like any other belief system.

    With very little effort your whole philosophy and interpretation crumbles, and its assimilated cruelty gets exposed. You brought shame on the good name of a good Jew.

    There are to many good and positive things we need to be doing with our lives rather than have some get sucked into a bigger and more cunning Cult like yours.

  • Chalam

    With very little effort your whole philosophy and interpretation crumbles, and its assimilated cruelty gets exposed.

    You have the mic...



  • designs

    Read past posts to you guys, it has all been covered, Joseph Malick has written some fine in-depth articles, among others here who have tried to help you guys and protect the xjws from your Cult and its conversion methods. You make the Society look puny in comparison to your brainwashed outmoded ideology.

    To think you guys sit in a pew and suck that crap up shows how vulnerable some are to the Cults and their tactics.

  • Mickey mouse
    Mickey mouse

    Thought provoking HappyGuy

  • HappyGuy

    I don't appreciate how you are bringing your arguments into my thread. Commments on the topic of my thread are welcome. Please take your bickering and your preaching else where.

  • Awen

    Thank you HappyGuy for a very well written post that is not only informative but thought provoking. Hopefully the actives JW's who visit this site will read it and take these matters to heart.

    One thing I would like to add.

    With all the dependency upon the WTS by it's members it's no wonder many do not leave. Many have no education or real work skills to speak of and if they are disfellowshipped, then what little they did have is gone. I thought about how Ray Franz mentioned his having to live on another Brother's property in an RV with his wife (because what little training he received from the Society was outdated in the real world) and he worked in the same Brother's Grocery store. Yet even after his departure, the WTS wouldn't let him be and disfellowshipped his JW friend for having a meal with Brother Franz in a public restaurant (which wasn't a disfellowshipping offense when it occured).

    So many people want out, but cannot leave because their lives are so entwined in the Society that they stay because they would be like a ship without a rudder. To be sure SS Watchtower is leaky, the pumps do not work and the sails are tattered, but to leave would mean to be cast adrift in a very big ocean with very little chance of making it to shore.

    I feel such pity for those who have devoted their lives and their entire fortunes to the Society, only to be cut off with nothing and no hope when they make an error and the WTS disfellowships them for it.

    Such is the legacy the WTS leaves.

  • The Almighty Homer
    The Almighty Homer

    Perfectly true and well written Happy Guy

    The reason the teachings are redundant and unsafe is the WTS. thinks the best way to run and guide humanity is to emulate

    ancient cultures such as the Israelites and their social morals of their time. In practice this can be a very damaging and counterproductive

    of an effort.

  • designs

    Happy, sorry for getting sidetracked with other issues, Stephen and I can club each other with foam bats another time...

    There exists several dichotomies within a religion like our former one. Those raised in the Faith have limits that those who convert as adults don't such as education and careers. There are priviledged groups within the broader spectrum of Witnesses, some being sent to a university from Bethel etc..

    There are a handful, maybe a few thousand, who have studied biblical languages to be on par with any Seminary trained individual, I've been on several forums with them in the past, some teach at the university level and at actual seminaries.

    Your suggestions for Reform are reasonable and many have written to the Society over the years suggesting the same things. They missed a good opprotunity in the mid 90s to initiate these reforms when they were changing their 'generation' teachings, but that boat sailed and I doubt it will come around for another 20-30 years.

  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    Good points, HappyGuy.

    It really is just a cult. Self-improvement through education or time spent on charitable works are not in the leadership's interest. They want them dumb and dependant.

    I explained the "bible study" approach of the WTBTS to a few of my scientist friends and they at first were puzzled, then angry then told me that what I was explaining was not "study" but brainwashing.
    Think about it. The WT "study" is memorizing answers to underlined questions.

    And then the teacher tells them how smart they are, how much they've learned, what a good student of the Bible they now are.

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