What percentage would you say doubt their belief that are still in?

by user10 11 Replies latest jw friends

  • ziddina

    I didn't believe fully in the stuff from the age of 5 on up. I just joined (and tried to believe - then pretended to believe) because I got sick of the beatings - my resistance was worn down by my parents' violence and manipulation - and the 'guilting' and fear-mongering of the WTBTS.

    Once I got away from parents and JW ex-husband, was earning my own lving - I was outta there! (I just wish I'd called my non-JW relatives - despite the fact my parents had isolated me from them - when I was 16 or so and requested a change of location... I would have saved another 14-15 years of my life from the WTBTS tyranny if I had done so - and succeeded...)



  • frankiespeakin

    I would think about 90% have doubts from time to time, and about 50% have nagging doubts, And about 10-20% know for sure the WT is full of crap but remain because of family.

    There are probably 10-20% that believe everything in the WT no questions asked counting minors and preschoolers.

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