Are Publishers Adequately Prepared for Bad Publicity?

by compound complex 24 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Last Saturday afternoon I heard the talk, "Put on the Lord Jesus Christ," at the circuit assembly.

    One of the overriding questions guiding Christians into straight paths was the expected, "What would Jesus do?" Citing various texts, the speaker admonished that we should put up a hard fight for the faith, arming ourselves as soldiers. All good. Then the speaker swings into humility mode by stating that Christians are good-for-nothing slaves and that they should consider others superior to them. What I was not expecting, however, was the acknowledgement that, while in service, JWs are going to become apprised of bad publicity over WT legal issues by the householder.

    How should they answer questions from puzzled or angry householders? As soldiers of Christ, handling the Word of Truth aright? The DO said that the Witnesses should listen with humility ... no comments whatsoever were offered on how to deal with the public's inquiries.

    Will the Society be forced to educate the publishers? Incidentally, the DO made frequent references in his presentations that this is from the "branch outline."

    Your thoughts?

    Compound Complex

  • AllTimeJeff

    Wow, interesting...

    My impression is that the GB addresses bad pub only when absolutely necessary. The fact that an assembly would address the fact that bad publicity exists is an interesting development to me on first read.

    My initial reaction is, the GB realizes that they can't keep all the bad publicity away. Barbara Anderson in particular has to her eternal credit, made this impossible in the age of the internet. While Ray Franz broke a hole in the wall, Barbara Anderson has a spotlight shone on it all the time.

    Thus, it sounds like they are giving the faithful some ammo for their indoctrinated heads. This is nothing but indoctrination of course. That way, when bad publicity is brought up, instead of being surprised and upset by it, the hope is that they will react with "Yes, we were warned that people would bring up lawsuits." The idea is that they won't go any further with it and explore the claims. (i.e. "Don't worry, only apostates would sue JW's anyway, we just want you to know..... don't worry about it.)

    As a stalling tactic to keep some from leaving, it's a good idea. For those on the edge anyway, I don't think it matters. I would have to think about the ramifications of this, if they are going to start addressing bad publicity, that would be a substantial change in their M.O.

  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    Time for a new book to replace Reasoning from the Scriptures, it could just be a booklet When to Run Away!

    Objection: "You people protect pedophiles in your church!"
    Response: "I'll do some research and get back to you." Then run away.

    Objection: "Were your religious beliefs about 1914 established with fake chronology and PYRAMIDOLOGY?"
    Response: "I'll do some research and get back to you." Then run away.

    Objection: "Do you really believe that 6 billion people who are not JWs are "wicked" and will be destroyed by God very soon?"
    Response: "I'll do some research and get back to you." Then run away.

    Objection: "How often has your church changed their prophecies about 'this generation' that will live to see armageddon?"
    Response: "I'll do some research and get back to you." Then run away.

    Objection: "How did the kangaroos get to Noah's ark and back to Australia after the global flood?"
    Response: "I'll do some research and get back to you." Then run away.

    Objection: "I have an Internet connection."
    Response: "I'll do some research and get back to you." Then run away.

    Objection: "I think your car is illegally parked and is about to get towed."
    Response: "I'll do some research and get back to you." Then run away.


    BXB nailed it..

    Jehovah`s Witness`s are ill informed..

    Even after the WBT$ has informed them about trouble at the door..

    With as little information as possible..LOL!!..

    The WBT$ remains "Stuck on Stupid"..

    ........................ ...OUTLAW

  • AllTimeJeff

    Outlaw, you caused me to think of a Gilead class where Noumair said that on occasion, missionaries get attacked, but not to worry...

    I since learned, esp after my attacks, that many missionaries have been attacked. I was far from the only one. (although I can only surmise I am among the few missionaries who left with two middle fingers in the air)

    But it is a great point, the GB is disingenuous even about what is "out there". It is in my mind a tacit admission that they are so very well aware of what is out there, yet try to hide it up.

    Telling the flock that there is a bit of negative publicity about the borg is like saying that Walmart has a few pieces of affordable clothing for sale. Uh, yeah, just wait till you see it all!

  • flipper

    CoCo- Very good thread . Good subject ! After talking to several witnesses in my area myself about child abuse settlements out of court by the WT society - I get the impression that NONE of the publishers were EVER informed about these settlements. I even talked a couple of years ago right after it happened to a local presiding overseer - HE didn't even know it had occured !

    So, in answer to your question - No, I don't believe the WT society will educate the publishers on HOW to deal with bad publicity. If they DO say anything at Service meeting parts it will be something like , " Brothers and sisters we have reports of householders claiming wrongdoing on the WT societies part. Just mention to the householder that the society has been made aware of these things and any wrongdoers were disfellowshipped from the witness religion. Explain that the WT society does not tolerate people flouting Jehovah's righteous principles and we cherish our young children just like Jehovah does . " They will never admit ANY responsibility or blame.

    But mostly from what I've noticed the WT society is hoping ANY bad publicity will go away just like a bad dream . They don't WANT to have to explain it to their own members, let alone householders in the field. I would wager they will NOT bother preparing witnesses for anything. Peace out. Mr. Flipper

  • AllTimeJeff
    But mostly from what I've noticed the WT society is hoping ANY bad publicity will go away just like a bad dream . They don't WANT to have to explain it to their own members, let alone householders in the field. I would wager they will NOT bother preparing witnesses for anything.

    I think its what the householders have to say that the GB worries about more.

    It used to be that all you would get at the door were attempts by Christians to prove their dogma over JW dogma, or apathy, or atheists.... Rarely information related to scandal and lies.

    That changed in the 1990's. Now, the occasional apostate that is out there isn't the only one who is aware of JW bullsh*t. Anyone can google JW's and see all about the lies, the pedophiles esp, and for those who want to get into the dogma and structure, the UN scandal, etc.

    A more informed public at large presents a growing threat, a variable, to the control that the GB wants over its flock. The discussions at the door could be about anything now, not just 2 dueling opinions over how to apply a bible scripture.



    It`s my experience foriegners get attacked in 3rd world countrys..

    We`re just so pretty,they can`t stand it!..LOL!!..

    You were ill prepared for the mess the WBT$ dropped you in..


    The WBT$ Bastards knew it..

    The trouble is..

    You are Worth more Dead to the WBT$,than alive..

    Your death would make Great Advertising for the WBT$..

    Jehovah`s Witness`s are being Persecuted!..

    The WBT$ dropped you off in a shit hole..

    If you died,so what?..

    They`ll find someone else to take your place..


    Advertise your Death..To death..At every Assembly..

    Everybody wins..

    Except the Dead Guy..

    ........................ ...OUTLAW

  • AllTimeJeff

    Outlaw, you speak pure unadulterated truth.



    Cheers Bud!..

    I`m happy you got out Alive!

    ........................ ...OUTLAW

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