2 questions for JW's from a Christian

by solafide 39 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • mouthy

    1. What is the most fundamental reason you do not accept the Roman Catholic Church to be the one true institution of God?

    Because they regard the Pope a one to listen to,Also they worship Mary, also saints

    2. What is the most fundamental reason that you accept your organization to be the one true organization of God?
    I dont belong to any organization

    Just curious, please let me know :)

    I have a personal relationship with Jesus ,,,

  • Perry
    If I decided to burn my child daily because she purposely spilled milk on my kitchen floor I wouldn't be considered moral, yet this is a principle in this book you say gives us our morals.

    Those evil, wicked spillers of milk.

    Yes, read Dawkins and Darwin. Just don't disagree with them or you might get disfellowshipped.

  • Caedes


    What does your link have to do with your claim "read Dawkins and Darwin. Just don't disagree with them or you might get disfellowshipped."

    Your link is an article about Ray Comfort desperately wanting to debate Dawkins ( A bit like Dubya wanting to debate Churchill or indeed any lamb wanting to get into a cage with a lion!)

  • PSacramento

    The Wt has issue with all the is "wrong" with the RCC and they, of course, conviently ignore all they do right.

    Of course if you were to follow that view and apply it to the Wt they would respond: The light is getting brighter.

    Even though they admit they are imperfect, they still say that only the Wt is God's organization, why?

    Because Jesus chose them !
    When? 1919.

    How do we know?

    The WT says so.

  • Perry

    I have no idea why Dawkins would not want to debate the author of the #1 book in the atheist section on Amazon..... that replaced "The God Delusion" as #1. It must simply be that he doesn't want the $20,000 that Comfort is offering him. Yes, that's it..... no need for more money.

    Dawkins is becoming a deep embarrassment to the atheist community.

  • Tuesday


    Ray Comfort is a dispicable tool. I would LOVE to see him debate Dawkins, I saw his stuff with Thunderf00t and thought he did poorly, nevermind someone like Dawkins. I'm going to be doing an atheist gimmick on national TV next year when all the vignettes are completed, I'm hoping that I get enough exposure that he turns his debate fetish on me because I will gladly ablidge him with a debate when-ever and where-ever he wants. I'm very familiar with his stupid arguments and I'm more than willing to go on the attack to make him look like a complete and utter fool.

  • JWoods

    I think that besides the conventional JW rhetoric - (idols, adoption of pagan holidays, trinity, and what-not) - there is a hidden psychological reason:

    I think that the JWs are desperately jealous of the Catholics. At least the JW leadership - after all, Catholics are rich, well established world wide, and have probably the most valid claim of any so-called christian religion of actual historical linkages back to the early days of the church.

    Parts of the JW system of rule are practically like Catholics...they have a sort of priesthood (elders), a conference of cardinals (governing body), and arguably in times past at least, a pope: as with Knorr, Freddy, Rutherford, or Russell. JWs like massive church property as much as do the catholics. JWs have created a sort of celibate monastery life at their bethel much like a Catholic monkhood. JWs pretty much have gone along with the bible canon selected by the catholics in centuries past. They excuse their dislike for other catholic doctrine as a falling away on the part of the RCC (as per the debate between Arianism and Athanasius).

    It is true, though, that most JWs think that the Roman Catholic Church is the primary harlot of false "christian" religion, all others being not quite so bad and only secondary whores for the false lord.

  • PSacramento

    The WT is for too much like the RCC heirachy then they'd like to admit.

    I agree with jwoods, a little too much jealousy.

  • Caedes


    Err, because debating Comfort would not be an intellectual challenge and would suggest to people like yourself that Comfort was bringing something to the table. He isn't, so there is little point in debating with him. As for the financial aspect, Dawkins has said that if he did debate Comfort the money would go to charity since he liked the idea of Comfort's money being used for something useful.

    Now back to the question that you ignored,

    What does your link have to do with your claim "read Dawkins and Darwin. Just don't disagree with them or you might get disfellowshipped."

    You link doesn't even have anything to do with disfellowshipping, perhaps you could enlighten us as to your meaning?

  • teel

    Comfort disagrees with Dawkins, hence Dawkins doesn't want to speak to him. Clear now?

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