Rebuttal to Amnesian's Post - Preface

by Amazing 23 Replies latest jw friends


    Julie, I never presumed anything. I asked questions and I wondered about things. Are you not judging others by yourself? Just because you cannot be objective about your father doesn't mean no one can be objective about relatives. My parents were the very best, bar none. But I could tell you or anyone else about their faults. I could tell you about Amazing's faults. As far as I am concerned, my kids are perfect; but I could tell you about their faults as well. Objectivity has more to do with honesty than anything else. Do you understand, sweetie? Or is this way over your head? I ask that not because you lack inteligence, but because it appears to me that you see only what you want to see, and understand only what you want to understand. IMHO YOU lack objectivity.

    As for points hitting "close to home," that can happen whether you are a JW, exJW, or have never been a witness. All that is needed is sensitivity to the issues being discussed.

    Now, sweetie, none of this is meant to push your buttons or offend you in any way. I'm just trying to clarify my views since you seemed to misunderstand them.

    Have a magnificient and peaceful new year!

  • Julie

    Nice job AmazingEx of disregarding pretty much all my points about Amazing and his behavior here since Amnesian's post. You rsilence on those matters speak volumes. As to your objectivity, maybe you could pick out a screen name all by yourself next time, you know, Independent of Amazing (who you of course view objectively).

    For someone who cannot seem to comprehend the discussion you show a rare humor in trying to imply it is me the whole thing is beyond. Good one. Hope you get those blinders off someday.


  • Tina

    Hi Ana,
    I appreciate what you wrote but disagree wholeheartedly with your assessment. He was not a vehicle for me. He respresented no one but himself in my eyes. I take each individual here as just that. Simple,nothing more to read into to that. Thanks anyway luv.T

    Vive Bene
    Spesso L'amore
    Di Risata Molto!!!

  • LaDonnaAna

    Hi Tina,

    I know ya do hun ((((Hugs))))

    My reply was NOT against you. I hope you did not take offense as none was intended. In fact I didn't even get into the Amazing versus Tina thingy.

    I appreciate Amazings posts and luv ya too much to be objective.


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