Back to Uni.. but I am really fat and I could do to bag a man.. :P

by creativhoney 12 Replies latest jw friends

  • creativhoney

    Ok so I jumped through all these hoops after almost ruining my teaching career and I have finally been accepted on a course so I can teach school, instead of college.. and I got the go ahead today whoohooo

    Ive been sedentary for a year, I suppose with all the leaving the witnesses and my job and my family and my licence, and Ive put two stone on.

    so how can I get myself feeling better and get rid of this god awful belly x

  • yknot

    Drink proper amount of water.....

    Start off by walking briskly 30-50 minutes per day.....

    Work in doing strength training three days a week with at least one day of rest in between.

    Eat healthy......

    .....if you are feeling really motivated.....

    Jump rope for 5-10 minutes at a time 3-5 times a day..........

    change up your routine after 6 weeks to avoid hitting a plateau.....

    There is lots of free excerise videos on Youtube if prefer not to join a gym or phys ed college class.

    treat yourself to small sweets to keep you from crashing you healthier diet.

  • creativhoney

    yknot. thank you - its not my diet, I dont eat loads and I dont eat crap. - though I could do to drink a bit less - its the sedentary lifestyle.

    I have started Ju Jitsu once a week, but yes I need to walk more

    I have a home gym in my conservatory so I need to use it..

    my sister is moving in with me in a week or so and she is a gym freak, so Im going to have her make me her personal project.

    - the hardest thing when you have been fed up is getting off your backside.. but it needs to be done..

  • yknot

    Give yourself a reasonable date to lose by.....and if you reach your size/weight goal (or are within say 5lbs or dress size) buy ourself a new outfit and go on the town......flirting with a handsome devil or two.

    Sisters are excellent motivators too!.....(I love mine dearly)

    Besides after about three days of making yourself exercise you seratonin levels will be doing their job to keep you motivated!

    But don't just do the exercise the beauty pamper thing too for optimal benefits! Get your nails (mani/pedi) done or do a home spa day with your sister, go ahead and update you hairstyle too, buy some bath scrubs and polish off that winter skin regularly and get a good weekly deep cleansing/moisturizing mask formula (commercial or homemade....don't forget to put it on your decollete and hands!).....

    Best wishes (hugs)


    You might want to check with your doctor for allergies. Some foods are undigestible, and stay in the stomach, if you have certain kinds of allergies. I know someone who lost 15 pounds when she stopped eating wheat. She looks great! She feels a whole lot better, too!


  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    creativhoney: "so how can I get myself feeling better"

    Forget everybody else's advice. Just hang around people that are way heavier than you. They'll all say, "Girl, you are positively skin and bones. You need to put some meat on them bones." And, of course, everyone will notice how slim and trim you are.

    And never stand near skinny people.

  • Jadeen

    Billy's advice sounds a lot easier than exercising!

  • creativhoney

    lol @ you all. that sometimes works billy thank god I am not 500lbs. yknot Im always pampering, I just feel like Im polishing a turd x

  • LouBelle

    The secret to the whole water thing is that you need to drink an extra litre for every 10 kgs you are over your weight. I don't know how much a stone is - but if it's 10kgs - you need to be drinking about 4 litres - you pee like crazy but it keeps you clean, keeps your skin hydrated and fills you up.

    More vegetables , cut out as much red meat as you can (have it once a week) Lots of chicken and fish.

    Walking is fabulous !! But walk to sweat - don't dwardle.

    I was massive and have lost a lot of weight - still got a little way to go.

  • creativhoney

    hey congrats, I like the water formula, I will give it a try, I am about 3st over I think, ill have to work it out in Kgs xxx

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