Wife Went to the Library Today

by cantleave 8 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • cantleave

    Whilst I was out enjoying myself , looking at very expensive cars, in London, this afternoon. My wife went to the library and got a out a some books including, Combatting Cult Mind Control by Steven Hassan (Hooray!!!), The Definitive Bible Commentary by Owen Collins and another book called Before the Flood by Ian Wilson which she currently reading upstairs in bed. I don't lnow anything about the latter 2 books but the great thing is she is reading literature NOT produced by the WTS.

    I am about to to Start the Steven Hassan book.

  • pat1060

    Thats very good....she must be thinking about things.I'm also going to get Steven Hasson book.Today I got in the mail In Search Of Christian Freedom.It is alot larger then I thought it would be.....Can't wait to start it...good luck to you..

  • hubert

    If possible, get her to read "Crisis of Conscience", Ray Franz first book. That should put the final nail in the coffin.


  • The Oracle
    The Oracle


    Reading is good! The real truth has a way of shining through even the thickest mind control. Good luck to you both!!

    The Oracle

  • tjlibre

    Congrats cantleave that looks like progress.


    I particularly enjoyed reading the foreword and afterword of the “In Search…” book. It’s an excellent book that helps to really understand the weakness in many of the WT unique doctrines and practices. I feel that the biblical support and logic that R.F used in explaining the flaws in the WT’s doctrines are solid and strong.

    Also, if you are planning stay (or become a real) Christian, you’ll find the material in the chapter titled The Challenge to Christian Freedom very beneficial and encouraging.

  • dgp

    Can'tleave, may I suggest you give her "The Gentile Times Reconsidered"? I understand that 607 BC is a very important date for the Watchtower, because all of its teachings about 1914 rest on that year. "The Gentile Times reconsidered" proves that the whole story is a lie. I understand it has a decisive effect.

    Wish you luck, so some day you two will find that you CAN LEAVE. I look forward to seeing you posting under "I LEFT WITH MY WIFE".

  • cantleave

    Hubert - good recommendation, She read that a few weeks back, it did the Job. I will be downloading In search of christian freedom soon.

    Can'tleave, may I suggest you give her "The Gentile Times Reconsidered"?

    DGP I have added this to my "to read" list. I wish I can change my screen name - because I can and will leave.

  • OnTheWayOut

    Well, eventually "Cantleave" will mean you can't leave this forum.

    Great update. Woo Hoo!

  • wobble

    Great News Cantleave !

    I cannot get my Wife to read much, she asks me loads, and relies on my research, I think it is so much better if she does it for herself, as your good lady is doing.

    I will celebrate your continued success with a few pints !



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