Crudely animated JW Debate...

by Tuesday 18 Replies latest jw friends

  • John Doe
    John Doe

    I loved the facial expressions. Who did the audio of the other guy?

  • VoidEater

    I like very much.

    Only criticism: maybe place cue cards more at camera height? You may be able to maintain a stronger eye contact with the camera.


  • jamiebowers

    Tim, I watched this late last night and commented on it (exjw44288). Anyway, I had to put my 18-year old cat down yesterday, and I had been crying all day. Your video was the first thing that made me laugh out loud. Phin (CS the Apostate) called me today to see if I was feeling any better, an we cackled like a couple of hens over your video. Good job, and keep up the good work!

  • GLTirebiter

    Good job, I enjoyed it! Thanks for posting your videos.

  • Tuesday
    Who did the audio of the other guy?

    Me, I edited it in Sound Forge by upping it a third tone. I had it sounding like a chipmunk before so I had to tone it down a bit.

    Tim, I watched this late last night and commented on it (exjw44288). Anyway, I had to put my 18-year old cat down yesterday, and I had been crying all day. Your video was the first thing that made me laugh out loud. Phin (CS the Apostate) called me today to see if I was feeling any better, an we cackled like a couple of hens over your video. Good job, and keep up the good work!

    I'm so glad I could brighten your day a little bit. I'll probably be seeing Phin soon hopefully, if you're at his b-day bash I can finally show just how ridiculously stupid I am in real life with the constant jokes :)

  • jamiebowers
    I'm so glad I could brighten your day a little bit. I'll probably be seeing Phin soon hopefully, if you're at his b-day bash I can finally show just how ridiculously stupid I am in real life with the constant jokes :)

    New England is kind of a long drive from Ohio, so no, I don't think I'll be in attendance. But give Phin a big hug from me.

  • Tuesday
    New England is kind of a long drive from Ohio

    Well then, next time I'm booked in Chicago for a show I'll have to try and make a stop by. Wish I knew about the good ol' ex-JWs in the area when I lived in Kentucky, it might have made the stay more enjoyable.

  • Amber Rose
    Amber Rose

    This was a little long, I didn't see the whole thing but it was good. I have heard the argument that preaching from house to house was wrong but it seemed like too much of a bother to find out the reasons behind it. (NWT gives me anxiety.) Thanks for explaining this in an entertaining manner that mostly held my attention.

  • Wasanelder Once
    Wasanelder Once

    Biblical debates are a waste of air. It's like having an argument over a "Where's Waldo" book. When its over, Waldo is still obscure and hard to find and in the end all you have is a fictional character that is stuck in the middle of a crowd of other cartoon characters. W.Once

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