Why would god do this?!

by foolsparadise 17 Replies latest jw friends

  • foolsparadise

    Why would a loving god place a tree of knowledge of good and bad in the garden and tell the two humans they could not eat from it? Did he like tempting them or what? I honestly don't get it. Its like he set them up to fail knowing Satan was right there waiting to tempt them.

    If there was an angel with a flaming sword guarding the tree how in the heck did Eve walk up to it and pluck off the piece of fruit?

    Did god only create humans out of boredom?Afterall if someone doesnt have a maker and is by himself forever he would get bored.

    Did he create humans to challenge Satan, to show Satan that humans can be obedient to only him?

  • Robdar

    You are reading and interpreting the Bible from a Christian point of view. You cannot do that and make any sense of what you are reading. You have to read the old testament from a Jewish perspective.

    If you can forgive the language, you will find this entertaining and enlightening:


  • Lillith26

    Not everyone who believes in a creator/god... believes what is written in the bible, or any other holy book to be fact or even a reflection of truth... You dont 'get it' not because your jewish, not because your a christian, but because your bull$hit detector is switched on!

  • foolsparadise
  • Lillith26

    If I am to assume that the HUH? is directed at me, I apologise if I didnt make my comment clearer.....

    Not everyone who believes in a creator/god... believes what is written in the bible....

    This is a gap inbetween theism and atheism...... it's called Deism..... I am a deist of sorts and as such I do NOT believe that God is any of the characters portrayed in this book or any other 'holy'book......

    bull$hit detector is switched on!

    I again appologise.... by this I meant that one is thinking critically of the information, aware of the facts, and is able to find fault with the information presented... aka shit detector is switched on......

  • foolsparadise

    Got It!!

  • heathen

    You can't fault God for the mistakes of Adam and Eve , all he did was leave a way for them to decide where their loyalty was . The angel with the sword doesn't show up until after the evictiion so that they couldn't eat the fruit of the tree of liife and still live indefinitely, not dying of old age .IMO

  • foolsparadise

    They already ate from the tree of Life!

  • Out at Last!
    Out at Last!

    If my memory is correct, they ate from the tree of the knowledge of good and bad, Gen 2:17. If that is the case, why would a loving god name a tree that, and put it in the middle of the garden? It is like telling your child "I have a big bag of candy. I know that you want it, but I'm going to set it down and leave. Now don't you touch that candy. The tree of life was also in the middle of the garden, but Adam was ordered not to eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil as my GF's translation puts it, Gen 2:9. It seems to me that if they ate from the tree of life after they sinned, then they would not die, therefore the angel with the flaming sword at the entrance of the garden. Apperently if you ate of a certain fruit, all powerful god could not kill you, destroy you, or do any other spiteful, meanspirited things to you. Almighty? Hardly!

  • heathen

    I don't see how it's a bag of candy since there were countless other bags of candy in the garden they were allowed to eat from, they were told the consequences , it was no big surprise even tho the devil promised they positively would not die on the day of eating from it , I think technically they became mortal and thus a day became 24hrs not a thousand years any longer so they didn't die on that 24 hr day but died before they hit 1k years old .

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