WHY am I the last to know?

by babygirl30 40 Replies latest jw friends


    Jehovah`s Witness parents know no end of cruelty,to thier children..

    It never gets any better..

    Unless your a Door Mat..

    Walk Away..

    ..................... ...OUTLAW

  • nelly136

    its all part of the punishment (((bg))),

    weirdly they dont realise what an awful witness theyre giving and how many people they save from ever being tempted to join,

    the bright side is you boyfriend would never be sweet talked round into wanting to join, he'll probably tell his friends how youre treated if they ever mention jws. it all helps to vaccinate people from wanting to join, even if it does suck.

  • babygirl30

    the bright side is you boyfriend would never be sweet talked round into wanting to join, he'll probably tell his friends how youre treated if they ever mention jws. it all helps to vaccinate people from wanting to join, even if it does suck.

    My parents KNOW about my bf and have been on my case about NOT telling him what was all going on with me (being DF'd and why) because they were afraid it would bring reproach on Jehovah's name and that I would be 'bloodguilty' IF I didn't witness to him...

    What they failed to realize was that he WANTED to learn more about JWs back in the day. He was going through a 'rough' time and was all into 'finding God' ... and he knew I was really religious. But NOW...oh HELL no. His mom knows what's happened to me, our friends know what's happened, and he TELLS people about it too (sad part is BECAUSE of it, he's never met my parents)!!! He loves telling people THAT too...about how they won't meet him because he is not a JW and I am 'dead' to them. -hahahahahaha. So it's no secret between us about it all. Ironic how many others are affected BY the JW policy of shunning - because inevitably no matter whom we mention JWs and how I'm shunned to...someone knows an ex-JW or is related to an ex-JW that was treated thes ame way, and they talk about it with disgust and disbelief.

  • bigwilly

    The former Mrs BW felt the same way as your bf and only held back from telling them what fucks they were at my behest. Anyone other than dubs cannot fathom anyone else treating their own family in such a manner.

    I still have this issue today as we're not speaking at the moment. My grandparents are getting old, my dad's mom in particular has to be around 90. On my mom's side I've got a few aunts, uncles and cousins who are not in and Grandad is a non-attender (he still believes old school dub beliefs but feels the org has become corrupt and power hungry), so I have means to keep in touch and up to date. Dad's side (my dad in particular) are deeply entrenched in the dubs. Even the aunts and uncles that aren't "strong in the truth" still believe it and won't likely have much to do with me. My main point with all of this is that my grandma on dad's side will likely pass away in the next few years, and all indications are that I won't hear about it until it's much too late. I can't visit her because she's still a dub herself, and unless some other family member (I'm hoping the tenuous relationships my sisters have with my parents yields something) tells me, I mostly likely won't know about her funeral in time to attend.

  • nelly136

    ***they were afraid it would bring reproach on Jehovah's name and that I would be 'bloodguilty' IF I didn't witness to him...***

    well should you ever get the chance one day maybe you can tell them that you tried and were making great progress with converting your boyfriend, but 'THEY' are bloodguilty, as their behaviour towards you has put him right off!

  • babygirl75

    Been there, done that, got the t-shirt.

    It goes in spell's. My parents will be real strict about it, then loosen up and I think things will get better, and then they'll hear a part at the meeting or convention and tighten up again. It's an on going roller coaster.


  • bigwilly

    Exactly Babygirl, that's why I severed communication 4 years ago. It was too emotionally exhausting to ride that rollercoaster any longer. I'm thinking of trying to re-open lines of communication, but that is one clause that will be strictly enforeced. First time they pull that shit the door slams shut!

  • babygirl75

    I know what ya mean BW. I've actually tightened up on it myself. MY JW family always calls to try to get my son, and I've finally got to the point, I just say No!! If they don't want to see me or socialize with me, then my son if off limits too!

  • Finally-Free
    If they don't want to see me or socialize with me, then my son if off limits too!

    I don't blame you. First, it teaches a child that it's ok to disrespect his parent. Second, why take a chance on him being indoctrinated and eventually shunning you?


  • dinah

    Every time I read experiences like this it makes me sick and ANGRY. Who the hell do they think they are? I've also noticed that every now and then the GB turns the screws and enforces shunning. I can see where that would be a rollercoaster.

    Babygirl30, at least your non-witness family members can see the religion for what it is.

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