Impromptu Survey - 2 Types of Reasons to Leave

by AdaMakawee 23 Replies latest jw friends

  • undercover
    Maybe a #3... ( a desire for freedom)

    I can relate to that...but it was #1 that made me realize that #3 was possible.

  • bigwilly

    A mixture of reasons for me. Mostly left due to a desire for freedom from the rumor mill and my dad's shadow. I also had serious issues with the treatment of my younger sisters (1 df'd the other not) by the dubs. After gaining a little distance from the borg I was able to look at it more critically and could not reconcile their beliefs at all. I have the same issue with any religion and now describe myself as an apathetic.

  • WTWizard

    I could not live in the "love" of just meeting men at a$$emblies. As for "love" from God, I never felt it in the first place (why would He let it get to that point on me, if He didn't want to use me for the Value Destroyer Training School and Second Dark Ages mission, to hell with my feelings?). This not only drove me away from the organization, but Jehovah successfully drove me out of His "love" (which was never there in the first place) by not allowing me free access to the opposite sex.

    And now I am leaning toward Satan--and the belief that Satan tried to set us free from God's tyranny. Not only that, but I think Jesus more resembled the Satan of Genesis than he did Jehovah.

  • AdaMakawee

    WT Wizard, the early biblical writers seemed to demonize other religions and/or goddess/gods, and thats for those that they didn't just wipe off the face of the earth through genocide. How can you respect that? As for the Satan thing, I don't believe in him. I think he was the bogeyman meant to scare people and small children into submission. As a human race we don't need help from a diabolical satan creature spirit, we are evil enough all on our own.


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