Sister "Elly" vanishes

by MinisterAmos 17 Replies latest jw friends

  • MinisterAmos

    My daughter is 18 and goes to meetings from time-to-time basically to mess with the Dubs (she always wears mini-skirts) and keep up on gossip....She actually filled me in on this but I find it amusing.

    Sister "Elly" (we'll just call her that) the buxom vixen of our Spanish Congo suddenly stopped showing up to meetings. My curiosity became aroused when not one single person asked her Mom about her!

    Her Mom and Step-Dad are Super-Dubs, the kind who take it personally if a child draws pictures during the meeting rather than sit ram-rod straight, if a Bro uses the john more than once, or if a Sister "forgets" her hose. When that happens, they are ALL-over it with the Elders. Notice I said "Step-Dad". Super Dub Mom is a divorcee.

    Sister Elly is 18ish, going on WOW! Think Jennifer Lopez rear. One day she just sprouted; BAM!

    Mom and Dad began to rush looking for an appropriate Dub for her since the non-Bros were starting to take notice. Like the owners of a fine cow looking for a bull they inspected and discounted Brother after Brother. Brother Juan Carlos, too poor, Brother Eli too young etc. They finally located the perfect Bro in a congregation over 80 miles from their house and started the process to pair them.

    Turns out Lil Sister's Black non-Dub boyfriend already knocked 'er up! He is currently in jail so no support there. Sister Elly was quietly disassociated and her Mom threw both her and her grand-child to be out of the house to avoid bad association.

  • ColdRedRain

    Quit checking out young women's posteriors. You have a daughter that's as old as this poor young woman.

  • Saoirse
    Turns out Lil Sister's Black non-Dub boyfriend already knocked 'er up! He is currently in jail so no support there. Sister Elly was quietly disassociated and her Mom threw both her and her grand-child to be out of the house to avoid bad association.

    That's so awful. I hope that poor girl found someone to take her in. I hate to think of her being pregnant and out on the streets.

  • MinisterAmos

    Quit checking out young women's posteriors,

    Ask me how I know he is gay.

  • Pistoff

    Wow she really is super Dub, though most supers turn out to be more practical when they have to deal with disfellowshipped son or daughter.

    When my son was df'd and shunned after ONE meeting with the JC, it began my exit from the KH.

  • SirNose586

    Terrible, terrible parents of poor Sister Elly!

    I recently find out that a childhood friend who'd grown up in a more restrictive dub environment than myself had recently become pregnant. Apparently she just hung around the neighborhood rec center and found someone who'd give her a spin.

    At least she's taking LaMaze classes...and I'm pretty sure her folks aren't going to throw her out onto the street...

  • beksbks
    Quit checking out young women's posteriors, you old fuck. You have a daughter that's as old as this poor young woman.

  • garyneal

    Interesting, reminds me of the time my JW wife and I met. Her parents and some of her friends began searching for j-dub who would make a suitable boyfriend for her in hopes that she will ditch me. To think, all the time before we met, she was looking for a suitable j-dub guy to be her boyfriend but all of the j-dub brothers who are around her age would not take her seriously.

    Makes me wonder though, if the witnesses find it so important that witnesses should only marry other witnesses, why do they make it so hard for witnesses to date and find one another? I understand that in some congos, there are very few young single people in it. The few that are there are 'forced' to look to the worldly people for their potential mates. Why not have a Jehovah's Witnesses youths assembly, similar to how some churches do youth conferences?

    From what my wife would tell me, witnesses who end up engaged just announce it seemingly out of the blue. In that, I mean, that prior to the announcement, most members of the cong don't even know they were even dating, let alone getting close enough to become engaged.

  • oompa

    LMAO at minister amos thinkin people are gay if they dont appreciate young ass!!!..........hahahah..........that is prob jumpin to conclusions bro....some people see an 18 year ol hottie with a j-lo ass and see a little girl?????......not how i roll!!!....nor most of my buddies.....even if they have teen daughters!.....hell i tell them what i think of their hot daughters just to see them squirm!!!........oompa

  • QuestioningEverything

    How sad that her mother would abandon her in this scary time in her life! The fact that these young JW's are so sheltered really comes back to bite the parents in the A**, the youth have no idea how to deal with more experienced, 'worldly' people.

    When my friend got pregnant and DF'd, her parents completely cut her off. They didn't see her or their granddaughter until the little girl was 1 year old. It still makes me upset to think about it now. How cruel can you be?

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